04:57 11 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Page 2 of the research paper referred by the DOE mentions “Fuelwood is the primary energy source for cooking and heating especially in the highlands where over 40% of the population lives (Allen, Bourke, & Hanson, 2001). ”, which is contradicting with DOE’s argument that fuel wood is used for cooking only. The DOE shall provide further information on how it has validated the correctness and conservativeness of the ex-ante value of parameter Bold,HH.
2: The revised parameter table for monitoring parameter ηold added a statement “The default value of 0.1 shall be applicable as the target beneficiaries with pre-project device type shall be classified as conventional three-stone fire users, to be replaced by each CPA.”. However, the PoA eligibility criteria does not require exclusive stove distribution to conventional three-stone fire users. Therefore, the DOE shall provide information on how the CPA to be included would ensure implementation in conventional three-stone fire users exclusively.
1: Page 2 of the research paper referred by the DOE mentions “Fuelwood is the primary energy source for cooking and heating especially in the highlands where over 40% of the population lives (Allen, Bourke, & Hanson, 2001). ”, which is contradicting with DOE’s argument that fuel wood is used for cooking only. The DOE shall provide further information on how it has validated the correctness and conservativeness of the ex-ante value of parameter Bold,HH.
2: The revised parameter table for monitoring parameter ηold added a statement “The default value of 0.1 shall be applicable as the target beneficiaries with pre-project device type shall be classified as conventional three-stone fire users, to be replaced by each CPA.”. However, the PoA eligibility criteria does not require exclusive stove distribution to conventional three-stone fire users. Therefore, the DOE shall provide information on how the CPA to be included would ensure implementation in conventional three-stone fire users exclusively.
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