Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The coordinating/managing entity did not demonstrate that the selected methodologies are applicable to the corresponding CPAs by showing that the design of the generic CPA meets all applicability conditions of these regulatory document. Pleaser refer to paragraph 91 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
The CM/E shall demonstrate in the generic component of Case 05 how the applicability conditions of AMS-I.F were met since the assessment of the compliance status contained in the second row of the table from item I.2 (page 103) is inconsistent with paragraph 2 of the methodology.

2: The coordinating/managing entity did not describe properly how the baseline scenario for each of the corresponding CPAs was established in accordance with the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents. Refer to paragraph 102 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
Section I.5 of the generic components of cases 03 and 05 states that “The CPA only applies to displace electricity from an electricity distribution system that is or would have been supplied by at least national or regional grid, fossil fuel fired captive power plant or carbon intensive mini grid”. For case 03, however, the consumption of electricity from a fossil fuel fired captive power plant is not envisaged in the applicability conditions. For case 05, the compliance with the footnote 1 of AMS-I.F version 3.0 shall be met if electricity is consumed from a fossil fuel fired captive power plant in the absence of the project.

3: The coordinating/managing entity did not describe how the data and parameters that will not be monitored but are determined before the registration of the proposed PoA and remain fixed throughout the PoA period were determined. Please refer to paragraph 112 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
The baseline emission factor for captive electricity generation equals to 0.4 tCO2/MWh was conservatively sourced from Scenario B, option B2(b) of the "TOOL03 : Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation". However, Scenario B is relevant for projects consuming electricity from an off-grid captive power plant whereas footnote 1 of AMS-I.F states that the users of the captive electricity are also connected to the grid in the project site.

4: The coordinating/managing entity did justify the methodological choices for different scenarios, cases or options to calculate emission reductions. Please refer to paragraph 109 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
Section I.6.1 of the generic components of cases 03 and 05 contain an option to determine the emission factor from electricity consumed form off-grid fossil fuel fired captive power plant(s) – Option 3 emission factor. For case 03, the consumption of electricity from an off-grid fossil fuel fired captive power plant is not envisaged in the applicability conditions. For case 05, the consumption of electricity from an off-grid fossil fuel fired captive power plant is not in compliance with the footnote 1 of AMS-I.F version 3.0.

5: The eligibility criteria does not cover the conditions to ensure compliance with the applicability of the applied methodologies. Please refer to paragraph 124(f) of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
For Cases 03 and 05, the eligibility criteria 6 states that the one of the conditions to ensure compliance with the applicability of the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents is that the project will compromise of only AMS I.F, where it will be connected to isolated grid (among other options). This is not consistent with footnote 1 of AMS-I.F which states that the users of the captive electricity are also connected to the grid in the project site.

6: The DOE did not assess how each eligibility criterion is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA. Please refer to paragraph 137 of the VVS-PoA version 2.0
For Cases 03 and 05, the eligibility criteria 6 states that the one of the conditions to ensure compliance with the applicability of the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents is that the project will compromise of only AMS I.F, where it will be connected to isolated grid (among other options). This is not consistent with footnote 1 of AMS-I.F which states that the users of the captive electricity are also connected to the grid in the project site.