Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:

1. The DOE shall provide information on how it has assessed each eligibility criterion as verifiable and sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of CPA inclusion as per para 133 of VVS for PoA version 3, specifically for both generic CPAs (CPA 01 for water purifier and CPA 02 for ICS):
(a) criterion No. 1 related to geographical boundaries of CPAs (i.e. “All CPAs included in this PoA will be located in the host country”) does not specify the PoA geographical boundary (i.e. Timor-Leste);
(b) criterion No. 9 related to local stakeholder consultation and EIA (i.e. PoA specific requirements related to undertaking local stakeholder consultation and environmental impact analysis are required) as page 36/65 of the PoA-DD does not match the relevant validation opinion (i.e. LSC at CPA level and EIA is not necessary) in page 53 of the validation report.

2. The DOE shall provide further information on how it has validated the eligibility criterion related to the specification of the technology/measure in accordance with para 122(c) and footnote 24 of PS for PoA version 3, in particular:
(a) For generic CPA 01 (water purifier), the criterion does not specify the type, the capacity, level of service, performance specification and other key features of the water purifier(s) to be deployed;
(b) For generic CPA 02 (ICS), the capacity and size of the ICSs to be distributed are not specified.

3. The DOE shall provide information on how it has validated the applicability of AMS-III.AV version 8 for the generic CPA 01, in particular:
(a) the accuracy and completeness of technology description to be implemented in accordance with para 81(b) of PS for PoA version 3, given that specifications of the water purifiers to be employed were not specified in the generic CPA-DD nor in the relevant eligibility criterion;
(b) what specific features of the water purifier are designed to meet the SDW technology standards as per paragraph 4(b) of AMS-III.AV version 8.

4. To justify one applicability condition (i.e. Non-renewable biomass has been used in the project region since 31 December 1989) of AMS-II.G version 13, the generic CPA 02 (page 40) states to include this justification in the specific CPA-DD instead of including it in the generic CPA-DD at the time of PoA registration. The DOE shall provide information on how it has validated the compliance of this practice as per para 91 of PS for PoA version 3 and para 103 of VVS for PoA version 3 under which the DOE determines whether the proposed generic CPA meets all the applicability conditions of the selected methodologies.

5. Regarding the choices of options in determining parameter fNRB:
(a) Choices in generic CPA 01 (water purifier) are not consistently described within the generic CPA-DD, e.g. page 18 of PoA-DD indicates the selection of conducting local studies to determine local fNRB value whereas page 21 of PoA-DD indicates another choice of applying default values in TOOL 33;
(b) Generic CPA 02 (ICS) indicates a choice of methodological options at specific CPA level (page 43 of PoA-DD and page 39 of validation report). However, paragraph 51 and footnote 20 of AMS-II.G version 13 require an ex-ante choice of option. The DOE shall provide further information on its validation opinion.

6. Generic CPA 01 (water purifier) allows application of option 2.2 (i.e. The population serviced by the project activity and an average volume of drinking water per person per day) of para 17 of AMS-III.AV version 8 to determine the quantity of purified water at school. The DOE shall provide information on how it has validated the appropriateness of this option in determining the value for school users; in particular, whether the default daily consumption rate is applicable to the students who may not stay the whole day at school.

7. The DOE shall provide further information on how it has validated the compliance of the monitoring plan with the applied methodology, in particular:
(a) AMS-III.AV version 8 requires monitoring “Quality of safe drinking water” whereas the monitoring plan of the generic CPA 01 does not include such parameter;
(b) AMS-II.G version 13 requires monitoring “Date of commissioning of project device i” whereas such parameter is missing in the monitoring plan of the generic CPA 02; page 52 of the PoA-DD assumes the start of device operation one day after the device was delivered, while the DOE did not provide its validation opinion on this approach in determining the date of commissioning of project device.
(c) The CPA-DD of generic CPA 02 (ICS) allows four options of AMS-II.G version 13 in estimating parameter By,savings,i.j and states that the choice of the options will be outlined in the specific case CPA-DD. However, not all required parameters of these four options are including in the generic CPA-DD, e.g. parameter HCi,j under option 1 (rated thermal capacity as per manufacturer specification) and parameter Bnew,KPT,i,j (Annual quantity of woody biomass used in tonnes per project device of type i and batch j, measured as per the KPT protocol) etc.

8. The DOE shall provide its validation opinion on the completeness of the sampling plans; in particular, usage time (i.e. parameter t) of the generic CPA 01 and number of hours of utilization of the device during the year y (i.e. parameters ty,i,j) of the generic CPA 02.

9. The CME is requested to clarify whether both water purifier and ICS may be distributed to the same end user in CPAs. If so, the DOE shall provide its validation opinion on whether there would be any cross effect between the baseline energy consumption assumed for water boiling and cook stove. Please refer to paragraph 94 (Appendix 1) of PS for PoA version 3 and paragraph 19, General guidelines for SSC CDM methodologies, Version 23.1