05:36 20 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE confirmed that the CPAs under the PoA satisfy paragraph 12 (a) and 12 (b) of TOOL19. However, there is no demonstration of penetration rate as required by para footnote 15 under paragraph 12(b) of TOOL19.
2: The following have been observed in regard to the equations/formulas applied in the PoA-DD:
(a) As per section I.6.1 of the two generic CPA-DDs, the loss in efficiency of the project device type i shall be determined based on paragraph 32(c) or 32(d) of the methodology. However, the information under parameter nnew,i,j and nnew,c,i,j, and point 2 of section I.2 mentions that paragraph 32(a) applies;
(b) The first equation in generic CPA-DD 2 on page 51 has included a number ‘6’, without any explanation what this number is for;
(c) The second equation on page 51 calculates Bold,HH and it is not clear what this parameter is for. The first formula is to calculate Bold,i,j from parameter Bold,c,HH, not Bold,HH. Furthermore, the generic CPA-DD also does not describe/define what parameter Bold,c,HH is and its unit.
Refer to paragraph 122 of VVS-PoA.
3: The following have been observed in regard to the parameters not monitored:
(a) Parameter Bold,HH: (i) The measurement methods and procedures have not included reference to “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities” as required by the methodology when sample survey is conducted; (ii) The “Choice of data or Measurement methods and procedures” refers to survey to determine the annual quantity of woody biomass have been used per person in absence of the project activity. However, this parameter refers to annual quantity of woody biomass per household. Annual quantity of woody biomass per person in absence of the project activity is parameter Bold,p. Any information or provision regarding parameter Bold,p shall be included under parameter Bold,p; (iii) The generic CPA-DD 1 has provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data; (iv) There is a provision in generic CPA-DD 1 that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, the PoA-DD has defined that the parameter is to be determined at CPA level, therefore the CPA shall determine the parameter following the provision or option described in the methodology;
(b) Parameter Bold,i,j: There is a provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, this parameter shall be calculated from Bold,HH and Nd,HH. and such provision does not exist in the methodology;
(c) Parameter Np,HH: There is a provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, the PoA-DD has defined that the parameter is to be determined at CPA level, therefore the CPA shall determine the parameter following the provision or option described in the methodology. Furthermore, as per the methodology, this parameter is established based on records of households that are served by the project/each CPA;
(d) Parameter Bold,c,HH: As per the generic CPA-DD 2, the parameter can also be calculated from Bold,p multiplied by Np,HH. Page 52 shows that this parameter refers annual quantity of charcoal per household. However, the multiplication of parameter Bold,p (Annual quantity of woody biomass per person) and parameter Np,HH (Average number of persons served per household) does not result in the same unit/description (annual quantity of woody biomass per person) as parameter Bold,c,HH.
Refer to paragraph 124(a) of VVS-PoA.
4: The following have been observed in regard to the sampling:
(a) The provision in paragraph 23 of the Standard for Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities (Version 08.0) has not been taken into account in establishing the confidence/precision level;
(b) In light of PoA-DD mentioning that the loss in efficiency of the project device type i shall be determined based on paragraph 32(c) or 32(d) of the methodology, the sampling plan has not included measuring the efficiency of ICS annually.
Refer to paragraph 129 of VVS-PoA.
5: The ICS under generic CPA-DD 1 are to be disseminated to households in rural area and the ICS under generic CPA-DD 2 are to be disseminated to households in semi-urban area. However, the eligibility criterion number 9 in each generic CPA-DD has not clearly mentioned the such target group. Refer to paragraph 137 of VVS-PoA.
1: The DOE confirmed that the CPAs under the PoA satisfy paragraph 12 (a) and 12 (b) of TOOL19. However, there is no demonstration of penetration rate as required by para footnote 15 under paragraph 12(b) of TOOL19.
2: The following have been observed in regard to the equations/formulas applied in the PoA-DD:
(a) As per section I.6.1 of the two generic CPA-DDs, the loss in efficiency of the project device type i shall be determined based on paragraph 32(c) or 32(d) of the methodology. However, the information under parameter nnew,i,j and nnew,c,i,j, and point 2 of section I.2 mentions that paragraph 32(a) applies;
(b) The first equation in generic CPA-DD 2 on page 51 has included a number ‘6’, without any explanation what this number is for;
(c) The second equation on page 51 calculates Bold,HH and it is not clear what this parameter is for. The first formula is to calculate Bold,i,j from parameter Bold,c,HH, not Bold,HH. Furthermore, the generic CPA-DD also does not describe/define what parameter Bold,c,HH is and its unit.
Refer to paragraph 122 of VVS-PoA.
3: The following have been observed in regard to the parameters not monitored:
(a) Parameter Bold,HH: (i) The measurement methods and procedures have not included reference to “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities” as required by the methodology when sample survey is conducted; (ii) The “Choice of data or Measurement methods and procedures” refers to survey to determine the annual quantity of woody biomass have been used per person in absence of the project activity. However, this parameter refers to annual quantity of woody biomass per household. Annual quantity of woody biomass per person in absence of the project activity is parameter Bold,p. Any information or provision regarding parameter Bold,p shall be included under parameter Bold,p; (iii) The generic CPA-DD 1 has provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data; (iv) There is a provision in generic CPA-DD 1 that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, the PoA-DD has defined that the parameter is to be determined at CPA level, therefore the CPA shall determine the parameter following the provision or option described in the methodology;
(b) Parameter Bold,i,j: There is a provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, this parameter shall be calculated from Bold,HH and Nd,HH. and such provision does not exist in the methodology;
(c) Parameter Np,HH: There is a provision that assessments, information and results established in initial CPAs may be used in subsequent CPAs in lieu of conducting fresh assessments at each CPA level in absence of new data. However, the PoA-DD has defined that the parameter is to be determined at CPA level, therefore the CPA shall determine the parameter following the provision or option described in the methodology. Furthermore, as per the methodology, this parameter is established based on records of households that are served by the project/each CPA;
(d) Parameter Bold,c,HH: As per the generic CPA-DD 2, the parameter can also be calculated from Bold,p multiplied by Np,HH. Page 52 shows that this parameter refers annual quantity of charcoal per household. However, the multiplication of parameter Bold,p (Annual quantity of woody biomass per person) and parameter Np,HH (Average number of persons served per household) does not result in the same unit/description (annual quantity of woody biomass per person) as parameter Bold,c,HH.
Refer to paragraph 124(a) of VVS-PoA.
4: The following have been observed in regard to the sampling:
(a) The provision in paragraph 23 of the Standard for Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities (Version 08.0) has not been taken into account in establishing the confidence/precision level;
(b) In light of PoA-DD mentioning that the loss in efficiency of the project device type i shall be determined based on paragraph 32(c) or 32(d) of the methodology, the sampling plan has not included measuring the efficiency of ICS annually.
Refer to paragraph 129 of VVS-PoA.
5: The ICS under generic CPA-DD 1 are to be disseminated to households in rural area and the ICS under generic CPA-DD 2 are to be disseminated to households in semi-urban area. However, the eligibility criterion number 9 in each generic CPA-DD has not clearly mentioned the such target group. Refer to paragraph 137 of VVS-PoA.
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