19:56 05 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: For a proposed CDM PoA applying more than one technology/measure or more than one methodology, the coordinating/managing entity shall prepare a generic CPA-DD for each technology/measure, each methodology and each combination thereof.
The PoA-DD, page 14 indicates that "the CPA’s may choose Route 1 or Route 02 as applicable to demonstrate the additionality at the time of inclusion. Beinag Route 01 "explicit for SSC CPAs" and applicable to demonstrate additionally in line with "TOOL21: Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities" version 13.1, and Route 02 "explicit for Microscale CPAs" and applicable to demonstrate additionally in line with "TOOL19: Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities" version 09.
However, the CME has not provided a generic CPA-DD for each type of measure in accordance with paragraphs 77, 78 and 79 of the CDM project standard for programmes of activities, version 03.
2: The coordinating/managing entity shall, in accordance with the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents, describe how to determine the data and parameters that will not be monitored but are determined before the registration of the proposed PoA and remain fixed throughout the PoA period.
The PoADD (page 22) states that "project under good bricks production to be included as a CPA are mostly greenfield projects, however it does not contain information on how the specific energy consumption and the emission factor of the baseline fuel(s) for the installation of systems in a new facility will be determined in accordance with paragraph 23 of the applied methodology AMS-III.Z version 06.
3: The eligibility criteria shall cover as a minimum conditions to ensure that CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality.
The PoADD, page 47 states that the eligibility criterion for additionality is "as per the options provided for SSC and Microscale CPAs under Section C of POA DD".
However, the eligibility criteria does not contain conditions to ensure that small scale CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality, as per CDM PS-PoA, version 03 paragraphs 122 (g), (ii and/or iii).
4: The DOE shall assess how each eligibility criterion, including the conditions that corresponding CPAs meet the requirement pertaining to the demonstration of additionality, is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA.
The validation report does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that each eligibility criterion, including the conditions that corresponding CPAs meet the requirement pertaining to the demonstration of additionality, is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA, in accordance with paragraph 113 of VVS-PoA version 03
1: For a proposed CDM PoA applying more than one technology/measure or more than one methodology, the coordinating/managing entity shall prepare a generic CPA-DD for each technology/measure, each methodology and each combination thereof.
The PoA-DD, page 14 indicates that "the CPA’s may choose Route 1 or Route 02 as applicable to demonstrate the additionality at the time of inclusion. Beinag Route 01 "explicit for SSC CPAs" and applicable to demonstrate additionally in line with "TOOL21: Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities" version 13.1, and Route 02 "explicit for Microscale CPAs" and applicable to demonstrate additionally in line with "TOOL19: Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities" version 09.
However, the CME has not provided a generic CPA-DD for each type of measure in accordance with paragraphs 77, 78 and 79 of the CDM project standard for programmes of activities, version 03.
2: The coordinating/managing entity shall, in accordance with the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents, describe how to determine the data and parameters that will not be monitored but are determined before the registration of the proposed PoA and remain fixed throughout the PoA period.
The PoADD (page 22) states that "project under good bricks production to be included as a CPA are mostly greenfield projects, however it does not contain information on how the specific energy consumption and the emission factor of the baseline fuel(s) for the installation of systems in a new facility will be determined in accordance with paragraph 23 of the applied methodology AMS-III.Z version 06.
3: The eligibility criteria shall cover as a minimum conditions to ensure that CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality.
The PoADD, page 47 states that the eligibility criterion for additionality is "as per the options provided for SSC and Microscale CPAs under Section C of POA DD".
However, the eligibility criteria does not contain conditions to ensure that small scale CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality, as per CDM PS-PoA, version 03 paragraphs 122 (g), (ii and/or iii).
4: The DOE shall assess how each eligibility criterion, including the conditions that corresponding CPAs meet the requirement pertaining to the demonstration of additionality, is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA.
The validation report does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that each eligibility criterion, including the conditions that corresponding CPAs meet the requirement pertaining to the demonstration of additionality, is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA, in accordance with paragraph 113 of VVS-PoA version 03
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