Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PoADD states across several sections that "The supplier of the soil stabilizer has maintained surplus supply through contract with the CPA implementers` However, the PoA-DD does not contain information on how it was assessed that each additive material is abundant in the country/region, according to the steps 1 and 2 of paragraph 10 of the applied methododology.

2: The PoA-DD, page 30 states that the CPA would consume electricity from the grid, and that the value of the grid emission factor is used from IFI Default Grid Factors V 3.1, 2021. However, the PoA-DD does not contain information on how the emission factor for the electricity system is calculated as per "TOOL05: Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation", as required by the applied methodology.

3: The PoA-DD does not include all relevant parameters to be monitored, such as the consumption of electricity and/or fossil fuel, as required by the applied methodology.

4: The eligibility criteria shall cover as a minimum conditions to ensure that CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality. However, the eligibility criteria included in the generic CPADD for small scale activities does not contain conditions to ensure that small scale CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality, including the provision of supporting evidence.

5: The Validation Report, page 21 states that he validation team through review of Surplus soil stabilizer supply contract with the CPA implementer (1st CPA owner) confirms the same. However, the VR does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that each additive material is abundant in the country/region, as required by the applied methodology.

6: The validation report does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that each eligibility criterion, including the conditions that corresponding small scale CPAs meet the requirement pertaining to the demonstration of additionality, is defined in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programme of activities”, and is verifiable as well as sufficiently objective and comprehensive to permit the assessment of the inclusion of corresponding CPAs in the PoA, in accordance with paragraph 113 of VVS-PoA version 03.