Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The C/ME entity did not describe how to define the project boundary of each of the corresponding CPAs, including which sources and GHGs are to be included in the project boundary under which conditions or circumstances, in accordance with the applied methodologies and the applied standardized baselines. Please refer to the PS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 100
Specifically, the C/ME did not describe the boundary of the CPA in the generic component

2: The C/ME did not describe how the data and parameters that will not be monitored were determined before the registration of the proposed PoA and remain fixed throughout the PoA period. Please refer to PS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 112.
Specifically, the generic component the parameters "Upper CO2 emission factor of fuel type i" and "Upper net calorific value of the fuel" as fixed ex-ante. However, according to the applied version of the "TOOL03: Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion", these parameters are to be monitored ex-post based on different data sources.

3: The C/ME did not describe how to undertake the ex-ante and ex-post calculations of baseline, project and leakage GHG emissions to be achieved by the CPAs, in accordance with the applied methodologies and the applied standardized baselines. Please refer to PS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 108.
The PoA-DD and the generic component state that the CPA will prevent the consumption of non-renewable biomass (NRB), and the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) will be determined based on the "TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass”. However, the generic component does not include the relevant equations and methodological choices/assumptions to determine the fNRB from the TOOL30.

4: The C/ME did not describe how to develop a monitoring plan for the CPA in accordance with the applied methodology. Please refer to PS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 115.
Specifically, the generic component states that the parameter fNRB will be monitored ex-post based on the TOOL30, however the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine fNRB were not included in the monitoring plan.

5: The C/ME did not describe a sampling plan in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”. Please refer to PS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 114.
Specifically, the C/ME shall provide a description of the sampling plan for situations where sampling is required to determine baseline or project emissions.

6: The DOE did not determine whether the selected methodology was correctly applied with respect to the project boundary. Please refer to VVS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 98(a).
Specifically, the DOE validated that the boundary of the CPA in the generic component comprehends the Northern, Central-west and Northeast
regions of the Brazilian Territory, which is not consistent with the description of the project boundary contained in the methodology AMS-III.Z.

7: The DOE did not determine whether the description of how to undertake the ex-ante and ex-post calculations of baseline, project and leakage GHG emissions as well as GHG emission reductions to be achieved by the corresponding CPA is in accordance with the applied methodology. Please refer to VVS-PoA, paragraph 122.
Specifically, the DOE did not validate the equations from the "TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass” to determine the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB).

8: The DOE did not determine whether all data sources and assumptions are appropriate to justify the parameters that will not be monitored during the crediting period of the CPA. Please refer to VVS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 124(a).
Specifically, the DOE did not validate the appropriateness of defining the parameters "Upper CO2 emission factor of fuel type i" and "Upper net calorific value of the fuel" as fixed ex-ante, when the applied version of the "TOOL03: Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion", state that these parameters are to be monitored ex-post based on different data sources.

9: The DOE did not determine whether the description of how to develop a monitoring plan for the corresponding CPAs complies with the applied methodologies and the other applied methodological regulatory documents. Please refer to VVS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 129.
Specifically, the DOE did not validate the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine fNRB, from the TOOL30.

10: The DOE did not determine whether the description of how to develop a monitoring plan for the corresponding CPAs complies with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”. Please refer to VVS-PoA version 2.0, paragraph 129.
When assessing the eligibility criteria L, the DOE confirmed that no sampling will be applied in the CPA. However, the generic component contains an option where sampling may be applied and a description of the sampling plan is to be provided. The DOE shall validate whether sampling will be employed to monitor parameters needed to determine baseline, project and/or leakage emissions, and shall validate the development of the sampling plan if appropriate.