21:21 13 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PoA-DD (page 8) indicates that Local stakeholder consultation will be carried out at CPA level for a group of CPAs in the same region. Further, it is mentioned that the stakeholder consultation will be repeated at CPA level as soon as a CPA is included with a boundary reaching outside the region. However, the PS-PoA paragraph 64 (a) requires the local stakeholder consultation process shall be completed before the start date of the CPA whereas the PoA proposes to conduct the process at CPA inclusion.
2: The sampling plan for the generic CPA III (applying AMS-II.G.), section I.7.2 (page 102), includes monitoring of the generated charcoal whereas the DOE (5) has validated that charcoal from generic CPA III will not be considered in accounting for the emission reductions.
3: The PoA-DD (Section K, eligibility criteria No. 3) indicates that the CPA DD will describe that CPAs are neither registered as CDM Project activities, included in other PoAs nor the project activities that have been deregistered to meet the requirements of project standard for PoA ver. 02 paragraph 124 ©. However, the CDM PoA (page 27) refers to the PoA-DD 10292 and which has the same geographical boundary (India) as this PoA (10516), both distributing the same ICS model (TLUD) from the same distributor (Sapient Infotech) and implemented by the same project participant (Atmosfair). The CME/DOE shall provide additional information on how to meet the requirements under Project Standard for PoA ver. 02 paragraph 124 ©.
4: Generic CPA I will apply a combination of AMS-II. G./AMS-III. BG./AMS-I.E. The DOE has reported that, for AMS-I.E., users will be provided with 100% renewable biomass (such as waste wood from plantations) as fuel. The CME/DOE shall provide information to demonstrate that the biomass is “renewable biomass” (please refer to the CDM Glossary of terms).
5: The validation report (page 19) states that “the purpose of the CPA is the distribution of efficient cook stoves (micro gasifier stoves) displaces traditional wood stoves ….” to meet the applicability condition for AMS-I.E. ver.9 paragraph 4 which requires displacement of non-renewable biomass by renewable energy.
6: The DOE shall provide information on how it validated the compliance of the monitoring with the applied methodologies:
i. The NCVcharcoal has been listed as an ex-ante value (29.5 GJ/ton) based on a survey conducted for CDM PoA 10292 (which has not yet received any issuance of emission reductions) whereas the applied methodology (AMS-III.BG ver. 3, Table 8) requires monitoring of NCVcharcoal in case the charcoal is generated from micro gasifier; and
ii. The produced quantity of charcoal product (QCCP,iy) will be crosschecked with the monitored fuelwood consumption and the observed wood to charcoal conversion rate. However, the PoA-DD (pages 28 & 66) defines CF as an ex-ante parameter of 6 kg wood/kg charcoal as per the applied methodology.
1: The PoA-DD (page 8) indicates that Local stakeholder consultation will be carried out at CPA level for a group of CPAs in the same region. Further, it is mentioned that the stakeholder consultation will be repeated at CPA level as soon as a CPA is included with a boundary reaching outside the region. However, the PS-PoA paragraph 64 (a) requires the local stakeholder consultation process shall be completed before the start date of the CPA whereas the PoA proposes to conduct the process at CPA inclusion.
2: The sampling plan for the generic CPA III (applying AMS-II.G.), section I.7.2 (page 102), includes monitoring of the generated charcoal whereas the DOE (5) has validated that charcoal from generic CPA III will not be considered in accounting for the emission reductions.
3: The PoA-DD (Section K, eligibility criteria No. 3) indicates that the CPA DD will describe that CPAs are neither registered as CDM Project activities, included in other PoAs nor the project activities that have been deregistered to meet the requirements of project standard for PoA ver. 02 paragraph 124 ©. However, the CDM PoA (page 27) refers to the PoA-DD 10292 and which has the same geographical boundary (India) as this PoA (10516), both distributing the same ICS model (TLUD) from the same distributor (Sapient Infotech) and implemented by the same project participant (Atmosfair). The CME/DOE shall provide additional information on how to meet the requirements under Project Standard for PoA ver. 02 paragraph 124 ©.
4: Generic CPA I will apply a combination of AMS-II. G./AMS-III. BG./AMS-I.E. The DOE has reported that, for AMS-I.E., users will be provided with 100% renewable biomass (such as waste wood from plantations) as fuel. The CME/DOE shall provide information to demonstrate that the biomass is “renewable biomass” (please refer to the CDM Glossary of terms).
5: The validation report (page 19) states that “the purpose of the CPA is the distribution of efficient cook stoves (micro gasifier stoves) displaces traditional wood stoves ….” to meet the applicability condition for AMS-I.E. ver.9 paragraph 4 which requires displacement of non-renewable biomass by renewable energy.
6: The DOE shall provide information on how it validated the compliance of the monitoring with the applied methodologies:
i. The NCVcharcoal has been listed as an ex-ante value (29.5 GJ/ton) based on a survey conducted for CDM PoA 10292 (which has not yet received any issuance of emission reductions) whereas the applied methodology (AMS-III.BG ver. 3, Table 8) requires monitoring of NCVcharcoal in case the charcoal is generated from micro gasifier; and
ii. The produced quantity of charcoal product (QCCP,iy) will be crosschecked with the monitored fuelwood consumption and the observed wood to charcoal conversion rate. However, the PoA-DD (pages 28 & 66) defines CF as an ex-ante parameter of 6 kg wood/kg charcoal as per the applied methodology.
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