Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
In verifying the difference between actual emission reductions and estimations in CPA-DDs, the DOE states that the increase of emissions reductions is minimum. However, the DOE does not provide details and information on how it has verified differences for each of the 5 CPAs.

Further, it is noted that, during this monitoring period:

(1) the actual emission reductions of CPA 9416-P1-0015-CP1 (i.e. 270,883 tCO2) is 18.0% higher than estimation of the CPA DD (i.e. 229,718 tCO2);
(2) the actual emission reductions of CPA 9416-P1-0016-CP1 (i.e. 303,228 tCO2e) is 12.5% higher than estimation of the CPA DD (i.e. 269,603 tCO2e).

The DOE is requested to report and provide an opinion on how it has verified the increase of ERs of specific CPAs, in particular CPA 9416-P1-0015-CP1 and CPA 9416-P1-0016-CP1.

Also, the DOE shall explain the inconsistency in reporting the increase of emission reductions between the documents considering that the monitoring report reports (page 29) 0.45% while the verification report (page 20), 2.83%.