13:35 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE shall confirm that monitoring periods have been consecutive. Further, the DOE shall confirm that CPAs have been included in requests for issuance of CERs in a consecutive manner, that is, when a CPA has been included in a request for issuance of CERs for a monitoring period, the DOE shall confirm that a request for issuance of CERs for the previous monitoring period that included the particular CPA has been published. (para 334 of VVS for PoA v1.0)
The verification report indicates that this is the 2nd monitoring period covers CPA1 to CPA7 and the verification report for the previous request for issuance (13 Aug 2015 - 31 Jan 2017) clearly indicates that CPA5 and CPA6 were not considered in the request for issuance. However, it is observed that the crediting period of CPA5 and CPA6 started from 15 Oct 16 and 01 Dec 16 respectively, which is prior to this monitoring period. No previous monitoring period is found that covering CPA 5 and CPA6. Please refer to VVS PoA v1.0 paragraph 334 and PCP for POA v 1.0 paragraph 219.
The DOE shall confirm that monitoring periods have been consecutive. Further, the DOE shall confirm that CPAs have been included in requests for issuance of CERs in a consecutive manner, that is, when a CPA has been included in a request for issuance of CERs for a monitoring period, the DOE shall confirm that a request for issuance of CERs for the previous monitoring period that included the particular CPA has been published. (para 334 of VVS for PoA v1.0)
The verification report indicates that this is the 2nd monitoring period covers CPA1 to CPA7 and the verification report for the previous request for issuance (13 Aug 2015 - 31 Jan 2017) clearly indicates that CPA5 and CPA6 were not considered in the request for issuance. However, it is observed that the crediting period of CPA5 and CPA6 started from 15 Oct 16 and 01 Dec 16 respectively, which is prior to this monitoring period. No previous monitoring period is found that covering CPA 5 and CPA6. Please refer to VVS PoA v1.0 paragraph 334 and PCP for POA v 1.0 paragraph 219.
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