12:09 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
It is observed that some of failed sampling precision are beyond 15%, e.g. the sampling practices on number of person per household in tab "Mon_Asirvad_EFLNakshatra_UP" of sheet “9181-0023 ER calculation sheet_MP10B7_Confidential” resulted in precision from 14.61% to 31.23%. The DOE did not provide information on how it has verified the compliance of applying lower bound correction with paragraph 18(c) of the standard "Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Version 08.0".
It is observed that some of failed sampling precision are beyond 15%, e.g. the sampling practices on number of person per household in tab "Mon_Asirvad_EFLNakshatra_UP" of sheet “9181-0023 ER calculation sheet_MP10B7_Confidential” resulted in precision from 14.61% to 31.23%. The DOE did not provide information on how it has verified the compliance of applying lower bound correction with paragraph 18(c) of the standard "Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Version 08.0".
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