04:28 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Paragraphs 345(a) and 346 of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the compliance of the monitoring with the monitoring plan as:
(a) Simple random sampling was applied with 90/10 confidence/precision level for parameters NS and Bnew, while the required confidence/precision level in the monitoring plan is 95/10 or 95/5;
(b) There is no how the expected proportion/mean value and expected standard deviation when calculating sample size for parameters NS, Bnew and nnew are in line with the provision of paragraph 13(b) and (c) of Standard: Standard for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and Programme of Activities, version 09.0.
Paragraphs 345(a) and 346 of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the compliance of the monitoring with the monitoring plan as:
(a) Simple random sampling was applied with 90/10 confidence/precision level for parameters NS and Bnew, while the required confidence/precision level in the monitoring plan is 95/10 or 95/5;
(b) There is no how the expected proportion/mean value and expected standard deviation when calculating sample size for parameters NS, Bnew and nnew are in line with the provision of paragraph 13(b) and (c) of Standard: Standard for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and Programme of Activities, version 09.0.
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