11:24 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall determine whether the Monitoring results are consistently recorded as per the approved frequency. Please refer to VVS for PoA v1.0 paragraph 346(d).
As per page 32-33 of registered PoA-DD, the monitoring frequency for parameter Ny,i,a (Number of project devices of type i and age a that are operating in year) and parameter Δηy,i,a (Factor to consider the efficiency loss of the project device type i due to its aging at the year
y) are annual. As per previous verified monitoring reports, two sampling survey had been conducted on Jan 2017 and Feb 2018 for 1st and 2nd monitoring period respectively. The sampling survey done in Feb 2018 has been used to calculate the emission reduction for the 2nd monitoring period from 01/02/2017 to 31/01/2018. This is the 3rd monitoring period covering 01/02/2018 to 31/05/2018, however, the outcome of the sampling survey done in Feb 2018 for 2nd monitoring period has been applied for this monitoring period. The DOE is requested to clarify how 1) it has verified the monitoring of Ny,i,a (Number of project devices of type i and age a that are operating in year) and parameter Δηy,i,a (Factor to consider the efficiency loss of the project device type i due to its aging at the year y)as per the monitoring plan and 2) the outcome of the sampling survey done in Feb 2018 for 2nd monitoring period is considered representative for cookstoves that are newly included from existing and new CPAs into this request for issuance.
2: The DOE shall confirm that monitoring periods have been consecutive. Further, the DOE shall confirm that CPAs have been included in requests for issuance of CERs in a consecutive manner, that is, when a CPA has been included in a request for issuance of CERs for a monitoring period, the DOE shall confirm that a request for issuance of CERs for the previous monitoring period that included the particular CPA has been published. (para 334 of VVS for PoA v1.0)
The crediting period for CPA10 to CPA25, as indicated in section A.1.2 of the monitoring report and section C.3.3 are not consistent with each other and also not fully consistent with view page. Please correct the relevant inconsistency.
1: The DOE shall determine whether the Monitoring results are consistently recorded as per the approved frequency. Please refer to VVS for PoA v1.0 paragraph 346(d).
As per page 32-33 of registered PoA-DD, the monitoring frequency for parameter Ny,i,a (Number of project devices of type i and age a that are operating in year) and parameter Δηy,i,a (Factor to consider the efficiency loss of the project device type i due to its aging at the year
y) are annual. As per previous verified monitoring reports, two sampling survey had been conducted on Jan 2017 and Feb 2018 for 1st and 2nd monitoring period respectively. The sampling survey done in Feb 2018 has been used to calculate the emission reduction for the 2nd monitoring period from 01/02/2017 to 31/01/2018. This is the 3rd monitoring period covering 01/02/2018 to 31/05/2018, however, the outcome of the sampling survey done in Feb 2018 for 2nd monitoring period has been applied for this monitoring period. The DOE is requested to clarify how 1) it has verified the monitoring of Ny,i,a (Number of project devices of type i and age a that are operating in year) and parameter Δηy,i,a (Factor to consider the efficiency loss of the project device type i due to its aging at the year y)as per the monitoring plan and 2) the outcome of the sampling survey done in Feb 2018 for 2nd monitoring period is considered representative for cookstoves that are newly included from existing and new CPAs into this request for issuance.
2: The DOE shall confirm that monitoring periods have been consecutive. Further, the DOE shall confirm that CPAs have been included in requests for issuance of CERs in a consecutive manner, that is, when a CPA has been included in a request for issuance of CERs for a monitoring period, the DOE shall confirm that a request for issuance of CERs for the previous monitoring period that included the particular CPA has been published. (para 334 of VVS for PoA v1.0)
The crediting period for CPA10 to CPA25, as indicated in section A.1.2 of the monitoring report and section C.3.3 are not consistent with each other and also not fully consistent with view page. Please correct the relevant inconsistency.
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