Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Regarding the survey 2016 applied for this monitoring period, it is not clear how the survey date is determined in accordance with relevant definition in footnote 4 of the "General guidelines for SSC CDM methodologies" version 23.0, in particular the start date of the survey considering that page 36 of the verification report mentions a former survey conducted from Oct 2015 to May2016.

2: Regarding the acceptance sampling conducted by the DOE in checking the acceptability of CME's survey data , the DOE did not provide clarity on how the acceptance sampling was carried out, in particular whether it has been done for three survey (i.e. survey 2016, survey 2017 and survey 2018) in totality or it has been done for each survey separately; if it is done for each survey separately, specific information shall be provided including when the acceptance sampling was conducted, the sample size and number of discrepancy observed. In addition, the DOE is requested to clarify whether the CME's data set of survey 2017 in this request for issuance is same as the data set of the survey in 2017 applied in the previous request for issuance (i.e. 5962-MP4-IRP2, rejected by the EB on 19 August 2019).