03:11 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Please refer to paragraph 358 (c) of PoA-VVS. Ver 1, which requires that the DOE shall determine whether the calculations of emission reductions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodologies.
As shown in the sheet “Survey Form” of the spreadsheet “9558 Sampling sheet”, the questionnaire used to estimate ny,j (the number of stoves operating) and SSy (the percentage of households that continue to use baseline stoves simultaneously with ICS) included the following questions:
- 2(c) Is the stove operational? (yes = 1, no = 0)
- 2(d) Are TLC Rocket Stove used in the cooking in the household? (yes = 1, no = 0)
As shown in the sheet “Ny and SSy data” of the same spreadsheet “9558 Sampling sheet”, out of 235 respondents, the number of respondents who answered “no” to question 2(c) was 1, while the number of respondents who answered “no” to question 2(d) was 3. Further, it is noted that “no” entries to question 2(c) and question 2(d) do not overlap.
However, the percentage of ICS found to be still operation was determined only using the results of the responses to the question 2(d) (i.e. (235-3)/235 = 98.72%), not considering the results of the responses to the question 2(c). For example, in the sheet “Ny and SSy data”, one respondent (Kasimu Saka) of ROW197 answered “no” to the question 2(c) but answered “yes” to the question 2(d).
The DOE is requested to clarify meanings and applications of the two questions 2(c) and 2(d), and to explain how the response to question 2(c) has been considered for the calculation of the ICL operating ratio.
In addition, the DOE/CME is requested to address the following issues:
1) The figures of Total ICS working in the table titled “Installation and Registration of ICS” (page 7 of Monitoring Report) do not match with the figures in the ER calculation sheet, other parts of Monitoring Report and Verification Report. The DOE is also requested to clarify if the figures are meant for Total ICS working or Total ICS installed/registered.
2) In the table titled “Installation and Registration of ICS” (page 7 of Monitoring Report), the dates of last ICS registered in the database for CPA1 and CPA4 are 09/12/2014 and 21/09/2016 respectively. However, according to the ER calculation sheet, there are some stoves installed and registered in 2017 for CPA1 and CPA4. The DOE is requested to clarify/correct the information.
3) The equation for calculation of B_old,adjusted in page 30 of Verification Report is not consistent with the one in page 18 of Monitoring report and the ones in CPA-DDs. The DOE is requested to clarify/correct the equation.
Please refer to paragraph 358 (c) of PoA-VVS. Ver 1, which requires that the DOE shall determine whether the calculations of emission reductions have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodologies.
As shown in the sheet “Survey Form” of the spreadsheet “9558 Sampling sheet”, the questionnaire used to estimate ny,j (the number of stoves operating) and SSy (the percentage of households that continue to use baseline stoves simultaneously with ICS) included the following questions:
- 2(c) Is the stove operational? (yes = 1, no = 0)
- 2(d) Are TLC Rocket Stove used in the cooking in the household? (yes = 1, no = 0)
As shown in the sheet “Ny and SSy data” of the same spreadsheet “9558 Sampling sheet”, out of 235 respondents, the number of respondents who answered “no” to question 2(c) was 1, while the number of respondents who answered “no” to question 2(d) was 3. Further, it is noted that “no” entries to question 2(c) and question 2(d) do not overlap.
However, the percentage of ICS found to be still operation was determined only using the results of the responses to the question 2(d) (i.e. (235-3)/235 = 98.72%), not considering the results of the responses to the question 2(c). For example, in the sheet “Ny and SSy data”, one respondent (Kasimu Saka) of ROW197 answered “no” to the question 2(c) but answered “yes” to the question 2(d).
The DOE is requested to clarify meanings and applications of the two questions 2(c) and 2(d), and to explain how the response to question 2(c) has been considered for the calculation of the ICL operating ratio.
In addition, the DOE/CME is requested to address the following issues:
1) The figures of Total ICS working in the table titled “Installation and Registration of ICS” (page 7 of Monitoring Report) do not match with the figures in the ER calculation sheet, other parts of Monitoring Report and Verification Report. The DOE is also requested to clarify if the figures are meant for Total ICS working or Total ICS installed/registered.
2) In the table titled “Installation and Registration of ICS” (page 7 of Monitoring Report), the dates of last ICS registered in the database for CPA1 and CPA4 are 09/12/2014 and 21/09/2016 respectively. However, according to the ER calculation sheet, there are some stoves installed and registered in 2017 for CPA1 and CPA4. The DOE is requested to clarify/correct the information.
3) The equation for calculation of B_old,adjusted in page 30 of Verification Report is not consistent with the one in page 18 of Monitoring report and the ones in CPA-DDs. The DOE is requested to clarify/correct the equation.
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