Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: For each monitoring period, the DOE shall report an opinion on the cause of any increase in the actual GHG emission reductions achieved by the included non-A/R CPAs in the current monitoring period that was reported in monitoring report (para 340(d) of VVS for PoA).
The monitoring repot states that the actual GHG emission reductions achieved for CPA 6207-0009 is higher than the amount based on the ex ante estimation in the included CPA-DD while the DOE did not provide its validation opinion on the cause of the increase in emission reductions for CPA 6207-0009.

2: If the coordinating/managing entity applied a sampling approach to determine data and parameters monitored, the DOE shall assess the compliance of the sampling efforts and surveys with the validated sampling plan in accordance with the "Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities" (para 346 of VVS for PoA).
a) The submitted spreadsheet did not contain the sample size calculation for the monitoring parameters and did not contain the calculation to confirm the compliance of the survey with the confidence and precision levels.

b) The verification report (p 66-67) shows that the required sample size for the parameters "Adjusted average efficiency of the system being deployed as part of the CPAs" and DOy is 2 and 75 respectively; the required sample size for Neaters_project is 102 for CPAs 6207-0001 & 6207-0005 and 104 for CPAs 6207-0006, 6207-0008 & 6207-0010 accordingly; and the number of sample covered during the monitoring period for CPAs 6207-0001 & 6207-0005 is 10 for "Adjusted average efficiency of the system being deployed as part of the CPAs" and 126 for DOy and Neaters_project and the number of sample covered during the monitoring period for CPAs 6207-0006, 6207-0008 & 6207-0010 is 10 for "Adjusted average efficiency of the system being deployed as part of the CPAs" and 104 for DOy and Neaters_project.
However, the monitoring report states that:
- for the sampling for CPAs 6207-0001 and 6207-0005 (Sample 1), a sample size of 81 users was calculated for Neaters_project and 94 respondents were interviewed in order to reach the sample for Neaters_project of 82 stove users;
- for CPAs 6207-0006, 6207-0008 and 6207-0009 (Sample 2), A sample size of 83 was calculated for Neaters__project and 84 users could be contacted and an interview was performed to determine DOy and Neaters__project.
The DOE is required to provide further information on the discrepancy between the verification report and the monitoring report.

c) the DOE states that "Simple random sampling was applied by the CME for selection of the monitoring samples with 95/10 confidence / precision level respectively for the two groups (group 1 and Group 2) of CPAs for the annual monitoring of three parameters", however the dates when the surveys were conducted were not provided. Therefore, the DOE is required to provide the information on how it verified survey was conducted within the yearly frequency by providing relevant information such as survey dates for this and for the previous monitoring periods.