Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall provide further information on how it has verified the implementation of CPAs during this monitoring period, in particular:
(a)the technical specification and operation status of four CPAs (i.e. CPA 05, 06, 20 and 29), considering that this request for issuance includes 12 CPAs whereas section E.3.1 of the verification report does not include the verification opinion on these four CPAs;
(b) for CPA 02, page 18 of the verification report mentions "Recommissioning of microturbine and commissioning of microturbine 2 (C1000) on 14/12/2017". However, (i) it is not clear which specific microturbine is indicated in this statement and (ii) whether any of the microturbines is still in working condition during this monitoring period. If not in working condition, the DOE shall clarify when the microturbine(s) stopped operation and how the DOE has verified the cease of operation.

2: The DOE shall clarify whether a site visit was carried out for CPA 51, considering that page 19 of the verification report indicates a site visit was conducted to CPA 51 whereas section D.2 of the verification report states onsite visit was not performed.