04:29 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 340:
The DOE raised and closed CL01 based on CME’s clarification that the project stoves have shown improved efficiencies over time due to improvements in testing methodology and stove ceramic liners among others. The DOE shall provide information on the basis of which it verified that the programme has been implemented and operated as per the description in the registered POA-DD considering that changes have occurred in the initial assumptions with respect to the efficiency of the project stoves.
2: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 342 (c):
The registered PoA-DD (page 41) has fixed the charcoal savings at 0.216 tons/year based on 21.1% (weighted average efficiency of the replaced stoves conducted in 2011) and 28.1% (average efficiency for all project stove models). However, the emission reductions excel sheet has applied values of 19% (revised weighted average efficiency of the replaced stoves conducted in 2016) and 25.6% (efficiency for the implemented project stove i.e. Toyola model) respectively. The CME/DOE shall report the reasons for not applying a consistent value for the efficiencies.
3: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 360 (c):
The emission reduction calculation sheet (tab “assumption household stove, row C23) indicates that the product of Qold (Amount of fuelwood that continues to be used in replaced baseline stoves (tons/stove/year)) and Fold (Percentage of project stove user still using baseline stove) is deducted from Bold (Fuelwood equivalent of Bold (tons/stove/year)) to calculate the Bold adjusted (Fuelwood Consumption per stove), i.e. Bold adjusted = Bold - (Fold* Qold). The DOE shall report how it verified the correctness of this approach considering that both Bold and Qold represents fuel consumption in tons/stove/year.
1: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 340:
The DOE raised and closed CL01 based on CME’s clarification that the project stoves have shown improved efficiencies over time due to improvements in testing methodology and stove ceramic liners among others. The DOE shall provide information on the basis of which it verified that the programme has been implemented and operated as per the description in the registered POA-DD considering that changes have occurred in the initial assumptions with respect to the efficiency of the project stoves.
2: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 342 (c):
The registered PoA-DD (page 41) has fixed the charcoal savings at 0.216 tons/year based on 21.1% (weighted average efficiency of the replaced stoves conducted in 2011) and 28.1% (average efficiency for all project stove models). However, the emission reductions excel sheet has applied values of 19% (revised weighted average efficiency of the replaced stoves conducted in 2016) and 25.6% (efficiency for the implemented project stove i.e. Toyola model) respectively. The CME/DOE shall report the reasons for not applying a consistent value for the efficiencies.
3: CDM VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 360 (c):
The emission reduction calculation sheet (tab “assumption household stove, row C23) indicates that the product of Qold (Amount of fuelwood that continues to be used in replaced baseline stoves (tons/stove/year)) and Fold (Percentage of project stove user still using baseline stove) is deducted from Bold (Fuelwood equivalent of Bold (tons/stove/year)) to calculate the Bold adjusted (Fuelwood Consumption per stove), i.e. Bold adjusted = Bold - (Fold* Qold). The DOE shall report how it verified the correctness of this approach considering that both Bold and Qold represents fuel consumption in tons/stove/year.
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