12:07 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Monitoring of fNRB value -
The revised CPA-DD (version 07, dated 24/09/2018) for CPA 2 mentions that ‘Fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB)’ as one of the monitoring parameters. As per the monitoring procedure in the revised CPA-DD and in the monitoring report (version 07, dated 29/03/2019), the CME mentioned that it will use the DNA approved value of fNRB as a monitored value during the monitoring period. However, it should be noted that fNRB value for Mozambique was not valid during the monitoring period as the DNA approved value of fNRB for Mozambique has reached its validity as on 6th December 2017 and no further submission was made by the DNA to update this value.
Pertaining to the requirements as per para 346 of the VVS for PoA the DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to GHG emission reductions in the included CPA-DDs has been implemented in accordance with the registered monitoring plan; as per para 347(a) the DOE shall determine whether the registered monitoring plan has been properly implemented and followed by the CME; and as per para 349 the DOE shall state whether the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, the DOE is requested to confirm how it has verified that the monitoring plan applied by the CME is in compliance with the registered monitoring plan.
Further, in case of monitoring of fNRB value, the CME may wish to submit a post-registration change request for further consideration of the CDM EB, updating the monitoring plan as contained in PoA-DD and relevant CPA-DDs to reflect that fNRB value is calculated using requirements in “TOOL30: Methodological tool: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass”, version 02.0.
2: Selection of sample size for KPT -
It is also noted that for kitchen performance test the CME has used sample size of 20 for vintage 1 and 26 for vintage 2 cookstoves. As per para 14 of the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Version 08.0”, If the sample size calculation returns a value of less than 30 samples, a minimum sample size of 30 shall be chosen when the parameter of interest is a proportion. If the parameter of interest is a numeric mean value (i.e. not a proportion or percentage) the Student’s t-distribution shall be used if the resulting sample size is less than 30. Further as per para 348 of the VVS-PoA, “For a non-A/R registered CDM PoA, if the coordinating/managing entity applied a sampling approach to determine data and parameters monitored, the DOE shall assess the compliance of the sampling efforts and surveys with the validated sampling plan in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities””. Noting these requirements, the DOE is requested to confirm how it has verified the sampling plan used by the CME during current monitoring period.
1: Monitoring of fNRB value -
The revised CPA-DD (version 07, dated 24/09/2018) for CPA 2 mentions that ‘Fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB)’ as one of the monitoring parameters. As per the monitoring procedure in the revised CPA-DD and in the monitoring report (version 07, dated 29/03/2019), the CME mentioned that it will use the DNA approved value of fNRB as a monitored value during the monitoring period. However, it should be noted that fNRB value for Mozambique was not valid during the monitoring period as the DNA approved value of fNRB for Mozambique has reached its validity as on 6th December 2017 and no further submission was made by the DNA to update this value.
Pertaining to the requirements as per para 346 of the VVS for PoA the DOE shall determine whether the monitoring of parameters related to GHG emission reductions in the included CPA-DDs has been implemented in accordance with the registered monitoring plan; as per para 347(a) the DOE shall determine whether the registered monitoring plan has been properly implemented and followed by the CME; and as per para 349 the DOE shall state whether the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, the DOE is requested to confirm how it has verified that the monitoring plan applied by the CME is in compliance with the registered monitoring plan.
Further, in case of monitoring of fNRB value, the CME may wish to submit a post-registration change request for further consideration of the CDM EB, updating the monitoring plan as contained in PoA-DD and relevant CPA-DDs to reflect that fNRB value is calculated using requirements in “TOOL30: Methodological tool: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass”, version 02.0.
2: Selection of sample size for KPT -
It is also noted that for kitchen performance test the CME has used sample size of 20 for vintage 1 and 26 for vintage 2 cookstoves. As per para 14 of the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Version 08.0”, If the sample size calculation returns a value of less than 30 samples, a minimum sample size of 30 shall be chosen when the parameter of interest is a proportion. If the parameter of interest is a numeric mean value (i.e. not a proportion or percentage) the Student’s t-distribution shall be used if the resulting sample size is less than 30. Further as per para 348 of the VVS-PoA, “For a non-A/R registered CDM PoA, if the coordinating/managing entity applied a sampling approach to determine data and parameters monitored, the DOE shall assess the compliance of the sampling efforts and surveys with the validated sampling plan in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities””. Noting these requirements, the DOE is requested to confirm how it has verified the sampling plan used by the CME during current monitoring period.
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