10:52 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The coordinating/managing entity shall provide all parameters used to calculate the baseline, project, and leakage GHG emissions by sources or the baseline and actual net GHG removals by sinks, as well as other relevant parameters of the included CPAs for the monitoring period as required by the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents. (paragraph 262 of PS for PoA version 2)
The DOE/CME states that the EFgrid,OM-DD,y (Dispatch Data Analysis OM emission factor) is calculated as 0.6241 tCO2/MWh for CPA 6198-0001 and 0.6183 tCO2/MWh for CPA 6198-0002 as per the monitoring plan. However, the DOE/CME did not provide spreadsheets which contain the calculation of EFgrid,OM-DD,y based on the parameters required by the monitoring plan.
2: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), referring to the illustrative examples in the appendix below, the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals (paragraph 352 of VVS for PoA version 2)
The DOE identified the delayed calibration of the meter G1, G2 and SSAA under CPA 6198-0002. The DOE (p 21) states that "The results of delayed calibration /19/ reveals that the error was within the
maximum permissible error...the electricity export and import data have been adjusted by applying maximum permissible error of 0.2% (as provided by the equipment supplier) to calculate the net exported electricity and the emission reductions accrued by the project activity." However, the column O17-O19 of the spreadsheets "CPA2 jan18"-"CPA2 jul 18" indicates that error identified in delayed calibration for the meter SSAA is 0.2283% which is higher than the maximum permissible error of 0.2%. Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on 1) the actual errors identified in the delayed calibration for the meter G2 and the meter SSAA as the verification report does not provide the actual errors which were verified and 2) how it has applied the outcome of the delayed calibrations to the GHG emission reduction as per the paragraph 352 of VVS for PoA.
1: The coordinating/managing entity shall provide all parameters used to calculate the baseline, project, and leakage GHG emissions by sources or the baseline and actual net GHG removals by sinks, as well as other relevant parameters of the included CPAs for the monitoring period as required by the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents. (paragraph 262 of PS for PoA version 2)
The DOE/CME states that the EFgrid,OM-DD,y (Dispatch Data Analysis OM emission factor) is calculated as 0.6241 tCO2/MWh for CPA 6198-0001 and 0.6183 tCO2/MWh for CPA 6198-0002 as per the monitoring plan. However, the DOE/CME did not provide spreadsheets which contain the calculation of EFgrid,OM-DD,y based on the parameters required by the monitoring plan.
2: If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available), referring to the illustrative examples in the appendix below, the DOE may conclude its verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals (paragraph 352 of VVS for PoA version 2)
The DOE identified the delayed calibration of the meter G1, G2 and SSAA under CPA 6198-0002. The DOE (p 21) states that "The results of delayed calibration /19/ reveals that the error was within the
maximum permissible error...the electricity export and import data have been adjusted by applying maximum permissible error of 0.2% (as provided by the equipment supplier) to calculate the net exported electricity and the emission reductions accrued by the project activity." However, the column O17-O19 of the spreadsheets "CPA2 jan18"-"CPA2 jul 18" indicates that error identified in delayed calibration for the meter SSAA is 0.2283% which is higher than the maximum permissible error of 0.2%. Therefore, the DOE is required to provide further information on 1) the actual errors identified in the delayed calibration for the meter G2 and the meter SSAA as the verification report does not provide the actual errors which were verified and 2) how it has applied the outcome of the delayed calibrations to the GHG emission reduction as per the paragraph 352 of VVS for PoA.
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