Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
(1) Paragraph 24 of the standard “Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities” version 7 requires verifying the actual precision achieved. However, the actual precisions achieved are not reported, in particular the average thermal efficiency of ethanol stove (ETstove,Efficiency,y) and average thermal capacity of ethanol stove (ETstove,Efficiency,y). In doing, the actual precision achieved and how it is derived shall be provided.
(2) The sampling survey of parameter ETUsage (Average daily denatured alcohol usage by project participating households) did not meet the required precision, thus a correction method (applying lower bound of the confidence interval) is applied as per paragraph 17(b) of the standard “Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities” version 7. However, the paragraph 17(b) is only eligible during the first two years of the crediting period. The DOE is requested to clarify how it has verified the applicability of the paragraph 17(b) to this monitoring period (01 Jul 2018 - 31 May 2019) considering that the crediting period of some CPAs (e.g. 7359-P1-0027-CP1) started on 28 May 2014.

2: The verification on FAR05 (page 60 of the verification report) stated that there is no implementation of CPA 7359-0061 during this monitoring period thus the FAR would be carrying forwarded for the next verification of this CPA. However, CPA 7359-0061 is to claim 73 tCO2e during this monitoring period, as per the monitoring report and verification report. The DOE shall clarify how it has verified the implementation of CPA 7359-0061.

3: In this request for issuance, the efficiency of baseline stoves of 0.1 is applied in CPAs in Kenya and Madagascar, by assuming all baseline stoves have baseline efficiency of 0.1 (fraction of the 0.1 efficiency stoves is 100%, and fraction of the 0.2 efficiency stoves is 100%,). However, it is found different from the assumption in the first CPA (7359-P1-0001-CP1, in Madagascar), which assumed 15% of the baseline stoves having an efficiency of 0.2 thus resulted in a weighted baseline efficiency of 0.115.. The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has verified this deviation and the correctness of the baseline efficiency applied in claiming emission reductions. Please refer to paragraph 359(d) of VVS for PoA version 2.

4: The DOE has applied acceptance sampling to verify the reported values of the monitoring parameters in the monitoring report, and concluded 37 out of 38 CME records are accepted. However, the DOE did not describe how it has reached such conclusion, in particular how many discrepant record(s) is(are) identified for each monitoring parameter and the relevant professional judgement. Please refer to paragraph 32 of the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities, version 07”.