Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The project participants shall provide all parameters used to calculate the baseline, project and leakage GHG emissions by sources, or the baseline and actual net GHG removals by sinks, as well as other relevant parameters for the monitoring period as required by the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents (paragraph 259 of PS for PA ver. 2).
The monitoring plan requires the monitoring of "CO2 emission factor of the grid electricity in year y" and the monitoring report (p 11) states that "Details of the calculation are shown is Excel spreadsheets titled ‘2016 EF Calculation’, ‘2017 EF Calculation’, and ‘2018 EF Calculation." However these calculation spreadsheets were not submitted. The PP is required to provide the spreadsheet as per the paragraph 259 of PS for PA ver. 2.