Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The MR has mentioned that following changes have been observed in the technical specifications of the implemented project compared to the PDD.
(a) Change in the reservoir water level from 220m to 220.4m resulting in an increase in the reservoir area from 134.7km2 to 146.5km2.
(b) Change in the installed capacity from 1820MW to 1820.025MW.
(c) Change in turbine capacity from 369.7MW to 370.10MW.
(d) Change in calibration frequency from 2 years to 5 years.
The MR further mentions that as changes are not material and do not impact additionality, the PP did not consider it necessary to revise the PDD. However, as per paragraph 230 of the CDM project standard for the project activities if there is any change to the implementation, operation or monitoring of the registered PDD, the PP shall prepare a revised PDD. The PP shall provide more information how it considered it complies with this requirement of the project standard.

The DOE verified that the technology, project equipment and monitoring and metering equipment is implemented and operational in accordance with the registered PDD, however the monitoring report identifies changes in project implementation and monitoring compared to the PDD. The DOE shall provide information how it verified that the project implementation and monitoring is in accordance with the registered PDD and the reasons for not identifying them as post registration changes.

The DOE shall provide its assessment of global stakeholder consultation in section D.10 of the verification report, including all relevant information related to the global stakeholder consultation required to be conducted after the publication of the first monitoring report in accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities . Please refer para 394 of the CDM validation and verification standard for project activities version 01.