04:09 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: PS-PA, paragraph 260(b):
As per Paragraph 260(b) of the PS-PA, the project proponent is required to describe the equipment used to monitor each parameter, including details on accuracy class, and calibration information (frequency, date of calibration and validity), as per the registered monitoring plan. However, the monitoring report does not provide information required as above on meters used for measurement of parameters EGVCB and EGWEG.
2: VVS-PA, paragraph 363:
As per page 41 of the registered PDD, and page 10 of the monitoring report, all main and check meters are tested for accuracy every calendar quarter with reference to a portable standard meter are of accuracy class of 0.1%. However, the monitoring report or verification report does not provide information about meters being tested for accuracy every calendar quarter during the said monitoring period.
The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan.
3: VVS-PA, paragraphs 361 (c) and 365:
As per the registered PDD and the monitoring report, meters used for measurement of parameters EGVCB and EGWEG shall be calibrated annually. As there is no information on calibration of meters for these two parameters, the DOE is requested to explain how it has verified that the calibration of the measuring equipment has been conducted at the frequency specified in the registered monitoring plan.
1: PS-PA, paragraph 260(b):
As per Paragraph 260(b) of the PS-PA, the project proponent is required to describe the equipment used to monitor each parameter, including details on accuracy class, and calibration information (frequency, date of calibration and validity), as per the registered monitoring plan. However, the monitoring report does not provide information required as above on meters used for measurement of parameters EGVCB and EGWEG.
2: VVS-PA, paragraph 363:
As per page 41 of the registered PDD, and page 10 of the monitoring report, all main and check meters are tested for accuracy every calendar quarter with reference to a portable standard meter are of accuracy class of 0.1%. However, the monitoring report or verification report does not provide information about meters being tested for accuracy every calendar quarter during the said monitoring period.
The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the registered monitoring plan.
3: VVS-PA, paragraphs 361 (c) and 365:
As per the registered PDD and the monitoring report, meters used for measurement of parameters EGVCB and EGWEG shall be calibrated annually. As there is no information on calibration of meters for these two parameters, the DOE is requested to explain how it has verified that the calibration of the measuring equipment has been conducted at the frequency specified in the registered monitoring plan.
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