Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the accepted revised monitoring plan. (VVS v2 para 235)
The DOE is requested to further justify how it concluded the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the revised monitoring plan which was approved on 31 May 2008, in particular in regard to the identification and number of meters used to monitor each parameter. For example: (i) Parameter CLNKy: The revised monitoring plan states that for P11, there are 3 weighing feeders, but the monitoring report only states 2 weighing feeders: (ii) parameter FFi,y: the revised monitoring plan prescribes the use of automatic weighing feeders and weight scale, whereas the monitoring report also includes flow meter and truck scale; (iii) parameter PELEgridCLNK,y: the revised monitoring plan refers to file "kWh meter for Clinker.xls", yet it is not clear whether the actual monitoring has complied with this; (iv) parameter PELE_total_LS,y: the revised monitoring plan prescribes the use of P3 Crusher 2DP-101, whereas this is not available in the monitoring report; (v) parameter QADD and Dadd_source: The revised monitoring plan refers only to fly ash and trass, whereas the monitoring report also includes limestone and trass vessel. In addition, how the Single Line Diagram presented in the Annex H of the monitoring report represents the actual monitoring. For example, for parameter PELE_total_LS,y, the monitoring report page 56 lists meters P-7 CRS/BIM.106, P-8 CRS/BIM.206, PROK CONVEYOR DP2 and MINING CONVEYOR, whereas these meters are not shown in the Annex H of the report.

2: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
Issue: The DOE is requested to further explain how it concluded the calibration certificates of all the equipments used for measurement has been carried out as per the frequency specified in the PDD and the manufacturer specifications, as the monitoring report shows: (i) Feeder P6 06W201 and 202: The second calibration was supposed to be on 07/09/2007, however the second calibration was carried out on 17/12/2007; (ii) Feeder P11 11W202 and 203: The second calibration was supposed to be on 30/08/2007, however it was carried out on 04/10/2007; (iii) Gas Meter at Cirebon Plant: The second calibration was supposed to be on 21/05/2008, however it was carried out on 22/05/2008; (iv) Truck scale Citeureup Plant no 1: The third calibration was supposed to be on 27/09/2008, however it was carried out on 15/10/2008; (v) Truck scale Citeureup Plant no 3: The second calibration was supposed to be on 28/03/2008 (for two scales), however it was carried out on 03/04/2008 and 16/10/2008; (vi) Citeureup Truck Scale: the second calibration was supposed to be on 13/09/2007, however it was carried out on 16/12/2007; (vii) Cirebon truck scale: the third calibration was supposed to be on 05/09/2008 , however it was carried out on 18/09/2008; (vii) Tarjun truck scale: second calibration was supposed to be on 23/08/2007, however it was carried out on 17/09/2007.

3: Scope: The verification report does not indicate that the information provided in the monitoring report has been cross-checked with other sources such as plant log books, inventories, purchase records, laboratory analyses. (VVS v2, para 246 (b))
Issue: The Monitoring Report (MR) states: (i) kWh meter at Incoming Unit 2 Quarry D Mining and kWh meter Feeder 2P1-1S1-U#1 (Incoming 11 kV) in LSS 3 are the main monitoring equipment. Other kWh meters are used as cross check only for operational purpose (For parameter PELE_total_LS,y, MR page 58, and PELE_totalADD,y, MR page 90); (ii) kWh meter Incoming Feeder PHB11 is the in Hambalang Mining and kWh meter Feeder 2P1-1S1-U#1 (Incoming 11 kV) in Tarjun Plant are the main monitoring equipment. Other kWh meters are used as cross check only for operational purpose (For parameter PELE_clay,y, MR page 61); (iii) kWh meter Feeder 2P1-1S1-U#1 (Incoming 11 kV) in LSS 3 is the main monitoring equipment. Other kWh meters are used as cross check only for operational purpose (For parameter PELE_laternite,y, MR page 62); (iv) kWh Meters Incoming Feeder Finish Mill in P3, P4 and P12 are the main monitoring equipment. Other kWh meters are used as cross check only for operational purpose (For parameter PELEgrid_BC,y, MR page 80, parameter PELE_BC,y, MR page 83, and parameter PELEsg_BC,y, MR page 86). However, it is not clear how the DOE verified these other meters above as cross check for the main monitoring equipment.

4: Scope: The verification report does not provide a conclusion on the verified amount of emission reductions achieved and/or determine that calculations of baseline emissions, project emissions and leakage as appropriate have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology document. (VVS v2, para 246 (c), 284 (i))
Issue: The DOE is requested to further explain how it confirms that the methods and formulae used to obtain the emissions are appropriate, as the emission reduction is calculated using parameter BCy (production of blended cement) from both cement OPC type I (baseline cement) and PCC (project activity cement).