Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not indicate whether any request for prior approval by the Board of changes to the registered CDM project activity has been submitted and if applicable, the date of approval as per PS version 09.0 paragraph 245.
Issue: The project view page indicates that the revised PDD was approved on 17 April 2015 by the Board. However, the monitoring report does not provide the information required by the instructions for filling out the monitoring report form which requires to provide the approval date and reference number in cases where the post-registration changes are approved prior to the submission of the motioning report for the request for issuance.

2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide information on approaches, findings and conclusions as to the requirements related to:
(i) compliance of the monitoring report with the monitoring report form;
(ii) compliance of the project implementation with the registered PDD;
(iii) compliance of the registered monitoring plan with the monitoring methodology including applicable tool(s) and the standardized baseline;
(iv) compliance of monitoring activities with the registered monitoring plan;
(v) compliance with the calibration frequency requirements for measuring instruments;
(vi) assessment of data and calculation of emission reductions;
as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 409 (d).
Issue: The DOE (p 7) states that it has concluded that the monitoring report was completed using the valid version of the applicable monitoring report form and is followed the guidelines given in the template itself. The Instructions for filling out the monitoring report
form states requires to provide the approval date and reference number in cases where the post-registration changes are approved prior to the submission of the motioning report for the request for issuance and the DOE states that the changes in the monitoring plan on the number of meters that was installed, calibration frequency of power meters were mentioned in the PDD version 06 dated 12/03/2015 submitted to EB. However, the section B of the monitoring report does not include any approve PRC approved prior to the request for issuance as per the instruction of the template.