Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The monitoring report has not included the description of the technology and equipment of the dryers as required by paragraph 257(a) of the PS-PA (version 01.0). The monitoring report shall also describe the fuel(s) used and the heating medium used for each burner/drying system. It is also observed that:
(i) ER spreadsheet indicates the two burners/drying systems use only thermal oil as heating medium (for example in columns H6 and K6 of "M10_2015-T", of "M11_2015-T", etc.).;
(ii) Monitoring points layout in page 13 of the monitoring report shows the medium coming in and out of the burners is wastewater (indicated by red arrow).

2: The DOE is requested to provide indication of whether a complete set of data for the monitoring period was available as per the paragraph 377(a) of the VVS-PA (version 01.0). It is observed from ER sheet that figures for some hours were not available. For example, for 23 March 2016. In sheet “Month 3_2016 (other)”, time stamp from data logger for hour 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 21:00 and 21:30 are blank. Similarly, sheet “Month 3_2016” also shows some data were missing during these hours.

3: The DOE is requested to explain how it verified parameter PEff,dryer, in particular the amount of coal consumed and how it has been crosschecked, as per the paragraph 376(b) of VVS-PA (version 01.0).

4: The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the correctness of the calculation of the emission reductions, in particular:
(a) Application of the flare efficiency. There is no information on how the DOE verified the manufacturers specification of the flare device (temperature, biogas flow rate). The DOE is also requested to describe the manufacturers specification of the flare device (temperature, biogas flow rate);
(b) The calculation of MDy. As per the equation 11 of the PDD, MDy is calculated taking into account the efficiency of flaring. However, as demonstrated in the ER sheet, the calculation of MDy does not take into account the flare efficiency. For example, columns F15-F45 of sheet “M9_2016-T” are used to calculate MDy. These columns, however, do not consider the flare efficiency.
Please refer to paragraph 376(c) of the VVS-PA (version 01.0).