Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not indicate that the information provided in the monitoring report has been cross-checked with other sources such as plant log books, inventories, purchase records, laboratory analyses. (VVM v.1.2 para 208 (a) and (b))
The approach verified by the DOE to adjust the data for the delays on testing COD ww,untreated and COD ww, treated (VR page 13) is not the same that is explained by the PP in the MR (page 13, footnote 3). The MR explains that the emission reductions have been adjusted by applying the maximum permissible error of the instrument to the measured value. Meanwhile, the DOE explains that the PP has decreased the value of COD inlet by the percentage difference in the COD inlet values between internal and external analysis. The DOE is requested to clarify the inconsistency and to confirm the assessment of the compliance with the QA/QC procedures established in the Revised Monitoring Plan. In doing so, the PP is requested to include in the ER calculation spreadsheet the COD values before and after the adjustment.