08:32 13 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
If the DOE identifies that the project participants have deviated from the registered monitoring plan, the DOE shall determine whether the project participants have proposed alternative monitoring arrangements or applied the most conservative values approach referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the non-conforming monitoring period. If the DOE determines that the project participants have applied the most conservative values approach referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the nonconforming monitoring period, it does not need to seek approval from the Board of the deviation. (paragraph 282, 284 and 374 of VVS for PA)
The monitoring plan requires the monthly sampling and compositional analysis of Wc,gas,y (weighted average carbon content of recovered gas at point F). However, the monitoring report and the verification report state that the gas composition for monthly sampling and compositional analysis for the month of March 2015 is missing and the composition of the month of May 2015 (0.00073 tC/kg) as lowest value acquired in this monitoring period was applied by the project participant in March 2015 instead.
The DOE is required to provide further information on 1) how it considered that the application of the lowest value of Wc,gas,y in the monitoring period was conservative considering that it is used for the project emission calculation and 2) why it did not include the temporary deviation as per the paragraph 282 and 284 of VVS since it did not adopt the most conservative value approach as referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the nonconforming monitoring period.
If the DOE identifies that the project participants have deviated from the registered monitoring plan, the DOE shall determine whether the project participants have proposed alternative monitoring arrangements or applied the most conservative values approach referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the non-conforming monitoring period. If the DOE determines that the project participants have applied the most conservative values approach referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the nonconforming monitoring period, it does not need to seek approval from the Board of the deviation. (paragraph 282, 284 and 374 of VVS for PA)
The monitoring plan requires the monthly sampling and compositional analysis of Wc,gas,y (weighted average carbon content of recovered gas at point F). However, the monitoring report and the verification report state that the gas composition for monthly sampling and compositional analysis for the month of March 2015 is missing and the composition of the month of May 2015 (0.00073 tC/kg) as lowest value acquired in this monitoring period was applied by the project participant in March 2015 instead.
The DOE is required to provide further information on 1) how it considered that the application of the lowest value of Wc,gas,y in the monitoring period was conservative considering that it is used for the project emission calculation and 2) why it did not include the temporary deviation as per the paragraph 282 and 284 of VVS since it did not adopt the most conservative value approach as referred to in the “CDM project standard for project activities” for the nonconforming monitoring period.
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