Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Regarding the recipient of the electricity generated by the project activity, the clarification submitted by the DOE/PP indicates that the project power plant generates electricity at 13.2 kV and then (via a 13.2/33 kV transformer) supplies the electricity to a 33kV busbar, and the 33 kV busbar is considered as National Electricity Grid. However, such clarification still indicates inconsistencies with other statements in the registered PDD and the verification report:
(a) Statements on page 2 (i.e. "The electric power generation is within the Aceitera General Deheza (AGD) Plant (Vegetable oil producer).") and page 4 (i.e. "The generator operates in 13.2 kV. A transformer is placed to obtain the generated energy in 33 kV (distribution voltage level in the vegetable oil plant), thus connecting the Bio-energy plant with the national grid at General Deheza node.") of the registered PDD indicates that the 33 kV busbar is an internal distribution busbar within the oil plant (the owner of the project power plant).
(b) The statement on page 4 of the registered PDD (i.e. "Electricity can be used at the AGD vegetable oil plant and/or sold to the grid. The generation unit is connected with the national grid at General Deheza node.") indicates the electricity generated is supplied for both captive usage and the grid.
(c) In verifying the implementation of the project activity, the statement on page 9 of the verification report (i.e. "The plant is connected to the Argentinean grid, nevertheless, no surplus of electricity is dispatched to it. The project activity generates renewable energy that is consumed by plant that would be, in the absence of project activity, purchased from grid.") indicates the electricity generated by the project power plant is supplied for captive usage instead of being exported to the national grid.
Considering the above, the DOE shall further clarify how it has verified the compliance of the project implementation with the project design. If a change of project design is involved, the DOE shall clarify whether a request for project design change has been approved.