Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to address the issues below as per requirements of paragraphs 373(c) and 374(c) of the VVS version 02.0.
(a) The Monitoring Report page 12 explains that the ¨Quantity of net electricity supplied by the project activity to the common metering point/grid in year y¨ is calulcated as EGPJ,facility,y = EG Export ,y - EG Losses,y. However, it is found that the net EGPJ,facility,y (spreadsheet JMR Data, column P) is calculated only based on deduction of the EGimport (column L) and it has not included the deduction of the EGLosses,y (column O) for the monitoring period from April 2016 to January 2017.
(b) In the spreadsheet JMR Data submitted, EGimport,y (column L) is calculated considering the GR (column J) and this formula applied in the EGinpurt,y is not explained in the Monitoring Report.

2: The DOE is requested to address the issue below as per requirement of paragraphs 366 - 369 of the VVS version 02.0.
The DOE shall provide the information on the actual results of the delayed calibration of the main and back-up meters, in order to confirm that the actual error identified in the delayed calibration tests is smaller than the maximum permissible error applied, as per the provisions in para 366 (a) and (b) of the VVS version 02.0.

3: The DOE is requested to address the issue below as per requirement of paragraphs 391 - 392 of the VVS version 02.0.
This verification covers the first monitoring period for the project activity and there is no information provided in the verification report (e.g. not applicable reported currently in the verification report section E.10) on how the DOE took due account of all authentic and relevant comments in the verification, as per para. 392 of the VVS version 02.0.