Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the values of the monitored parameters used to calculate baseline, project and leakage emissions as well as other parameters required by the applied methodology and the registered monitoring plan as per PS version 09.0 paragraphs 247 and 248 (a) (c) (d) (e) (f).
(a) The registered PDD has listed monitoring of the parameter “Volumetric flow of the gaseous stream in time interval t on a dry basis, Vt,db”. However, the monitoring report has listed and reported the value for the parameter “Volumetric Flow of the gaseous stream in time interval t on a wet basis, Vt,wb. The PP/DOE are requested to address this inconsistency considering that the registered PDD (page 13) indicates that the gaseous stream is assumed to be dry and applies Option A of the methodological Tool; and monitoring of Vt,wb is not required under Option A;

(b) The registered PDD has listed monitoring of the parameter “Volumetric fraction of greenhouse gas i in a time interval t on a dry basis, Vi,t,db (m3 gas i/m3 dry gas)”. However, the submitted emission calculation spread sheet does not show any information on the monitored values for “Vi,t,db (m3 gas i/m3 dry gas)”;

(c) The DOE shall provide information on how the calculation of the “Mass flow of N2O in the gaseous stream of the tail gas in the hour h, FN2O,tail gas,h” complies with the applied methodological Tool (Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream; Option A; equation 5) which requires calculation of this parameter as a product of Volumetric flow of the gaseous stream in time interval t on a dry basis, Vt,db (m3 dry gas/h); Volumetric fraction of greenhouse gas i in a time interval t on a dry basis, Vi,t,db (m3 gas i/m3 dry gas); and the Density of greenhouse gas i in the gaseous stream in a time interval t, ϱi (kg gas i/m3 gas i).