07:17 27 Dec 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
Issue: The Verification Report does not provide information of the calibration of meter PT-1007A057-01 at the substation that covers the whole period of the monitoring. The meter was installed in 14/02/2011, however as per the Monitoring Report and Verification Report, the calibration was only carried out in 17/07/2011. In doing so, the DOE shall also explain when the back-up meter (PS0601A087-01 and PT-1007A057-01) was used during the monitoring period.
Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
Issue: The Verification Report does not provide information of the calibration of meter PT-1007A057-01 at the substation that covers the whole period of the monitoring. The meter was installed in 14/02/2011, however as per the Monitoring Report and Verification Report, the calibration was only carried out in 17/07/2011. In doing so, the DOE shall also explain when the back-up meter (PS0601A087-01 and PT-1007A057-01) was used during the monitoring period.
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