21:01 03 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification and certification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved methodology and, where applicable, the applied approved standardized baseline as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 388.
Issue: The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that the monitoring plan contained in the validated PDD is in accordance with the approved methodology applied by the project activity, i.e. ACM0002 version 13.0 and its applicable tools, in particular for parameter EFgrid,CM,y. The monitoring plan has provision to update the value with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA. However, the Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system version 02.2.1 provides two options for operating margin: ex-ante and ex-post options, and two options for build margin: ex-ante and ex-post options only. Ex-post options require the annual monitoring. As the EFgrid,CM,y is calculated based on EFgrid,OM,y and EFgrid, BM,y, the DOE is required to explain how updating the EFgrid,CM,y with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA is in accordance with the applied tool. Furthermore, the revised PDD page 21 mentions that the simple OM emission factor is calculated ex-ante, and page 23 mentions that for build margin emission factor Option 1 shall be chosen for the proposed project (i.e. to calculate the build margin emission factor ex ante). The page 23 of the validation report at the registration stage also clarifies that the combined margin emission factor is determined ex-ante. Therefore the DOE is also requested to clarify how the EFgrid,CM,y being updated with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA is in line with the statement in pages 21 and 23 of the revised PDD in regard to the options chosen to determine EFgrid,OM,y and EFgrid,BM,y, and with the validation report in regard to the EFgrid,CM,y.
Scope: The verification and certification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved methodology and, where applicable, the applied approved standardized baseline as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 388.
Issue: The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that the monitoring plan contained in the validated PDD is in accordance with the approved methodology applied by the project activity, i.e. ACM0002 version 13.0 and its applicable tools, in particular for parameter EFgrid,CM,y. The monitoring plan has provision to update the value with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA. However, the Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system version 02.2.1 provides two options for operating margin: ex-ante and ex-post options, and two options for build margin: ex-ante and ex-post options only. Ex-post options require the annual monitoring. As the EFgrid,CM,y is calculated based on EFgrid,OM,y and EFgrid, BM,y, the DOE is required to explain how updating the EFgrid,CM,y with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA is in accordance with the applied tool. Furthermore, the revised PDD page 21 mentions that the simple OM emission factor is calculated ex-ante, and page 23 mentions that for build margin emission factor Option 1 shall be chosen for the proposed project (i.e. to calculate the build margin emission factor ex ante). The page 23 of the validation report at the registration stage also clarifies that the combined margin emission factor is determined ex-ante. Therefore the DOE is also requested to clarify how the EFgrid,CM,y being updated with each issuance of EVN data officially approved by the DNA is in line with the statement in pages 21 and 23 of the revised PDD in regard to the options chosen to determine EFgrid,OM,y and EFgrid,BM,y, and with the validation report in regard to the EFgrid,CM,y.
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