Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain emission factors, IPCC default values, and/or other reference values used in the calculation of emission reductions. (EB48 - Annex 68 paragraph 10 (a) (v)).
Issue: It is not clear whether the operating margin emission factor (EFOM) and the build margin emission factor (EFBM) used for the calculation of the parameter "Carbon emissions factor of electricity used by Tiefa Coal Industry Group" are monitored or determined ex-ante as according to the revised monitoring plan and the validation opinion of the revised monitoring plan, EFOM and EFBM are sourced from “the Clarification of Determining Baseline Emission Factor for China Regional Grid”, which are calculated using ex ante options of the tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system.

2: Scope: The spreadsheet does not contain explanation with regard to application of formulae in the spreadsheet. (EB48 - Annex 68 paragraph 10 (b) (iii)).
Issue: No explanation is provided in the spreadsheet for the calculation of the baseline and project emissions, leakage and the emission reductions.

3: Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the accepted revised monitoring plan. (VVM v.1.2 para 206 & 221(d))
Issue: The DOE is required to clarify if the operating margin emission factor (EFOM) and the build margin emission factor (EFBM) used for the calculation of the parameter "Carbon emissions factor of electricity used by Tiefa Coal Industry Group" are monitored since according to the revised monitoring plan and validation opinion of the revised monitoring plan, EFOM and EF BM are indicated as determined ex-ante and sourced from “the Clarification of Determining Baseline Emission Factor for China Regional Grid”, which are calculated by ex-ante options of the tool to calculate the emission factor of an electricity system.

4: Scope: The verification report does not state how the DOE verified the information flow for the listed parameters. (VVM v.1.2 para 206)
Issue: The DOE is required to clarify the gas sampling points for methane concentration analysis as some inconsistencies are observed among and within following documents:
Page 19 of MR: Calorific meter CLRF-01 at Yinzhou Gate Station (for Tieling City), Calorific meter CLRF-03 at FeBe Factory, Calorific meter CLRF-02 at Faku and Diaobingshan;
Diagrams of Annex III of the MR; and
Spreadsheet & Annex II of MR: Yinzhou Gate Station, FeBe Factory, Spherical G.H. exit

In doing so, please make clear distinctions of the sampling pints and the analysis points and that all sampling points and analysis points are consistent throughout and among documents.