20:25 11 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification and certification report does not describe how the reported data have been cross-checked with other sources as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (b).
Regarding the cross-checking of monitored EGexport,y in this monitoring period, the reporting in the verification report and the submitted document “Response_to_incomplete_reporting_check_rev01_3Nov2016” are not consistent:
(a) page 13 of the verification report stated that there was no available data which could be cross-checked for EGexport,y;
(b) Page 1 of the “Response” stated that PP had provided the evidences of reading export meter report for January 2014 to December 2014 and the DOE has cross checked the evidences.
The DOE is requested to address this inconsistency. In doing so, the DOE is requested to clarify whether the cross-checking has been conducted as per the monitoring plan, and specify how the monitored EGexport,y is cross-checked with the reading export meter report.
Scope: The verification and certification report does not describe how the reported data have been cross-checked with other sources as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (b).
Regarding the cross-checking of monitored EGexport,y in this monitoring period, the reporting in the verification report and the submitted document “Response_to_incomplete_reporting_check_rev01_3Nov2016” are not consistent:
(a) page 13 of the verification report stated that there was no available data which could be cross-checked for EGexport,y;
(b) Page 1 of the “Response” stated that PP had provided the evidences of reading export meter report for January 2014 to December 2014 and the DOE has cross checked the evidences.
The DOE is requested to address this inconsistency. In doing so, the DOE is requested to clarify whether the cross-checking has been conducted as per the monitoring plan, and specify how the monitored EGexport,y is cross-checked with the reading export meter report.
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