06:31 12 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification and certification report does not contain an indication whether data were not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, or does not detail the actions taken by the DOE to ensure that the most conservative assumption theoretically possible has been made as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (a).
Issue: In page 43 of verification report, the DOE states that the energy balance are attached as evidence, however, the energy balance calculation sheet including the formula, parameters and justifications are not available.
Scope: The verification and certification report does not contain an indication whether data were not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, or does not detail the actions taken by the DOE to ensure that the most conservative assumption theoretically possible has been made as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (a).
Issue: In page 43 of verification report, the DOE states that the energy balance are attached as evidence, however, the energy balance calculation sheet including the formula, parameters and justifications are not available.
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