Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Minor issue: Note that the formula in the revised PDD page 34 is blocking the paragraphs.

2: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain the values of the monitored parameters used to calculate baseline, project and leakage emissions as well as other parameters required by the applied methodology and the registered monitoring plan as per PS version 09.0 paragraphs 247 and 248 (a) (c) (d) (e) (f).
Issue: The monitoring report has not reported information of the following parameters in line with project standard version 09.0, paragraph 248:
(a) The source and the fate in the absence of the project activity for parameter "Biomass residues categories and quantities used in the project activity";
(b) the equipment to monitor the parameter and information on calibration of parameter "ECPJ,y".

3: Scope: The verification and certification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the revised monitoring plan as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 392.
Issue: The DOE is requested to clarify how the monitoring of moisture content is as per the monitoring plan, i.e continuously measured, while the monitoring plan page 10 and the verification and certification report page 19 indicate that the parameter is obtained from sample.

4: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide an assessment and close out of any CARs, CLs or FARs issued, nor/or if appropriate, an assessment of remaining issues from the previous verification period as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 409 (g) (h).
Issue: The DOE is requested to explain how it has properly closed CL01, considering the information on the metering equipment for parameter ECPJ,y is still missing in the monitoring report.