23:58 01 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The revised PDD in this submission and the revised PDD of the previous submission share the same version number whereas the revised PDD of this submission appears different from the previous submission, considering the revised PDD (in track change) has 94 pages whereas the previous one has 98 pages. The DOE is requested to clarify which is the valid revised PDD for this request for issuance, and provide clarity on the version number of the revised PDD.
2: Page 32 (i.e. section 2.2 of the monitoring methodology) of AR-ACM0001 / Version 03 requires the targeted precision level for biomass estimation within each stratum is ±10% of the mean. However, the achieved precision of each stratum is not reported. The DOE is requested to provide information how it has verified the actual precision of each stratum.
3: Page 5 and page 32 of the applied methodology (AR-ACM0001 version 03) requires ex-post update of stratification due to forest management activities (e.g. harvesting). The updated planting/harvesting cycle (i.e. table 4 of the revised PDD) shows harvesting activities since 2015, and page 9 of the verification report confirms that the main aims of the project include charcoal production through sustainable fuel wood production. However, it is not clear how those harvesting activities have been considered in ex-post stratification in this request for issuance. The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has verified the compliance of the ex-post stratification with the methodology requirements.
4: In the previous submission, a spreadsheet containing information on how the tree biomass of the sampled plots are derived was submitted. However, that spreadsheet is not submitted in this submission, and the DOE did also not provide any information on whether the concerned double-counting issue has been corrected or how it has verified the correctness (i.e. In calculating the tree biomass in a sampling plot, the tree biomass of some single tree are double counted. For example, in plot “PLA2-B05NE”, the biomass of tree number 13 are considered two times in the total tree biomass of the plot). The DOE is requested to submit that spreadsheet and specify how it has verified the correctness of the tree biomass calculation.
1: The revised PDD in this submission and the revised PDD of the previous submission share the same version number whereas the revised PDD of this submission appears different from the previous submission, considering the revised PDD (in track change) has 94 pages whereas the previous one has 98 pages. The DOE is requested to clarify which is the valid revised PDD for this request for issuance, and provide clarity on the version number of the revised PDD.
2: Page 32 (i.e. section 2.2 of the monitoring methodology) of AR-ACM0001 / Version 03 requires the targeted precision level for biomass estimation within each stratum is ±10% of the mean. However, the achieved precision of each stratum is not reported. The DOE is requested to provide information how it has verified the actual precision of each stratum.
3: Page 5 and page 32 of the applied methodology (AR-ACM0001 version 03) requires ex-post update of stratification due to forest management activities (e.g. harvesting). The updated planting/harvesting cycle (i.e. table 4 of the revised PDD) shows harvesting activities since 2015, and page 9 of the verification report confirms that the main aims of the project include charcoal production through sustainable fuel wood production. However, it is not clear how those harvesting activities have been considered in ex-post stratification in this request for issuance. The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has verified the compliance of the ex-post stratification with the methodology requirements.
4: In the previous submission, a spreadsheet containing information on how the tree biomass of the sampled plots are derived was submitted. However, that spreadsheet is not submitted in this submission, and the DOE did also not provide any information on whether the concerned double-counting issue has been corrected or how it has verified the correctness (i.e. In calculating the tree biomass in a sampling plot, the tree biomass of some single tree are double counted. For example, in plot “PLA2-B05NE”, the biomass of tree number 13 are considered two times in the total tree biomass of the plot). The DOE is requested to submit that spreadsheet and specify how it has verified the correctness of the tree biomass calculation.
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