Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE (PRC validation report p17) has validated that “Measurement methods and procedures” for the parameter “Net calorific value of biomass residues” shall be carried out in an onsite laboratory which operates as per standard procedures. The DOE is requested to provide further information on how it validated that the measurement procedures as per the requirements in the applied methodology (ACM0006 ver. 14; Data / Parameter table 17) which states the measurements of NCVBR,n,x “shall be carried out at reputed laboratories and according to relevant international standards”.

2: The DOE has listed the parameter “Biomass categories and quantities used for the selection of the baseline scenario selection and assessment of additionality” in the section E.6.2 (Data and parameters monitored) of the verification report (p13). However, this is an ex-ante fixed parameter (ACM0006 ver. 14: Data / Parameter table 1) and the DOE has not listed the monitoring of the parameter “Biomass residues categories and quantities used in the project activity” in the section E.6.2.

3: The applied methodology (ACM0006 ver. 14; Data / Parameter table 22) and the revised PDD (p47) require that “Biomass categories and quantities used in the CDM project activity” shall be crosschecked with an annual energy balance that is based on purchased quantities and stock changes. However, the monitoring report (page 16) states that it is crosschecked with the annual volumes of biomass provided by the sugar mill and the DOE did not refer to any crosschecking of the measurement of quantity of biomass with the energy balance in its verification report. Therefore, PP/DOE are required to provide relevant energy balance information that is based on purchased quantities and stock changes and the DOE is required to provide its verification option on the crosschecking required by the applied methodology and the revised PDD.