04:29 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Page 23 of the Monitoring Report states-
"The period considered does not have valid thermocouple certificates since there was no calibration nor substitution of the equipment during part of the referred period. Hence, a discount of 1.5ºC (equal to the accuracy of equipment) was applied for the temperature data measured by ALUTAL thermocouple and registered by the CLP".
However, the verification report does not contain information regarding the calibration being implemented after the monitoring period in consideration, nor an assessment on whether the results of the delayed calibration show any errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error. Please refer to VVS Version1.0 for project activities, paragraph 369 and 371.
Page 23 of the Monitoring Report states-
"The period considered does not have valid thermocouple certificates since there was no calibration nor substitution of the equipment during part of the referred period. Hence, a discount of 1.5ºC (equal to the accuracy of equipment) was applied for the temperature data measured by ALUTAL thermocouple and registered by the CLP".
However, the verification report does not contain information regarding the calibration being implemented after the monitoring period in consideration, nor an assessment on whether the results of the delayed calibration show any errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error. Please refer to VVS Version1.0 for project activities, paragraph 369 and 371.
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