00:04 06 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification and certification report does not describe how the reported data have been cross-checked with other sources as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (b).
Issue:The reported number of operational solar cookers (48,000) was crosschecked for consistency with monitoring records, solar cookers purchase contract, the user information registration form and the survey result of the local coordinator. However, it is noted that the monitoring records and the survey data from the local coordinator are the same documents submitted to the PP for preparation of the monitoring report and may not be appropriate for crosschecking. The DOE is requested to provide information which describes the verification approach used to conclude that all the 48,000 solar cookers were operational during the current monitoring period. In doing so, please provide sources, other than those used in the monitoring report, used to crosscheck the operational solar cookers.
2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide the findings of the desk review and/or site visit, and/or does not describe how the sampling size for on-site inspection was determined and field check was carried out as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 409 (c).
Issue:The DOE selected 38 samples from the PP’s sample size of 313 users to conduct an acceptance sampling inorder to verify if the PP’s set of records can be accepted. Based on crosscheck between the 38 samples selected by verification team, the daily operating hour records and the survey result of the local coordinator the DOE concluded that the documents were consistent and therefore the PP’s records can be accepted. However, no information is provided to describe how the DOE carried out the field check during the on-site visit.
1: Scope: The verification and certification report does not describe how the reported data have been cross-checked with other sources as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 403 (b).
Issue:The reported number of operational solar cookers (48,000) was crosschecked for consistency with monitoring records, solar cookers purchase contract, the user information registration form and the survey result of the local coordinator. However, it is noted that the monitoring records and the survey data from the local coordinator are the same documents submitted to the PP for preparation of the monitoring report and may not be appropriate for crosschecking. The DOE is requested to provide information which describes the verification approach used to conclude that all the 48,000 solar cookers were operational during the current monitoring period. In doing so, please provide sources, other than those used in the monitoring report, used to crosscheck the operational solar cookers.
2: Scope: The verification and certification report does not provide the findings of the desk review and/or site visit, and/or does not describe how the sampling size for on-site inspection was determined and field check was carried out as per VVS version 09.0 paragraph 409 (c).
Issue:The DOE selected 38 samples from the PP’s sample size of 313 users to conduct an acceptance sampling inorder to verify if the PP’s set of records can be accepted. Based on crosscheck between the 38 samples selected by verification team, the daily operating hour records and the survey result of the local coordinator the DOE concluded that the documents were consistent and therefore the PP’s records can be accepted. However, no information is provided to describe how the DOE carried out the field check during the on-site visit.
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