Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied methodology. (VVS v.2 para 232)
Issue: The Verification Report in some sections reports that the monitoring plan is as per the approved revised MP; while in certain sections, it refers to revisions explained in "Annex 3". Further on page 28, the VR states-"The monitoring system and all applied procedures are not completely in compliance to the approved revised monitoring plan of PDD version 11 approved by UNFCCC EB on 2012-12- 21. Therefore a revision for parameter EG facility,y i s required. Refer to Annex 3 assessment attached to this report".
i)There is no Annex 3 in the report.
ii)The DOE should also clarify the inconsistency in the verification report where certain sections verify compliance of the MR while certain sections report non-compliance.