18:30 16 Sep 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The biomass estimation method/equations applied in this monitoring period (e.g. Allometric equations in page 35 of the monitoring report) is different from the PDD and was neither validated at the time of project registration. In addition, it is noted that the equations and parameters applied in this monitoring period are not fully consistent with those applied in the previous monitoring period (e.g. DBH-based equation of specie Salix Alba was not applied in the previous monitoring period, and carbon fraction of biomass for tree and roots applied in this monitoring period is 0.50 whereas carbon fraction of biomass for roots applied in previous monitoring period was 0.48). The DOE did not provide its validation opinion on the biomass estimation method/equations/parameters. Therefore, the DOE is requested to specify how it has validated the biomass estimation method/equations/parameters applied for each specie. Please refer to A/R Methodological Tool “Demonstrating appropriateness of allometric equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities” Version 01.0.0 and A/R Methodological Tool “Demonstrating appropriateness of volume equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities” Version 01.0.1.
2: The biomass values reported in the ER sheet and the sampling sheet (i.e. Estimation of uncertainty) are not consistent. For example, the tree biomass (including both above-ground and below-ground) of strata 15 reported in the ER sheet (i.e. cell C20 and D20 of tab “Actual Net GHG ERs_2002-2016”) is 25.06 tC per ha whereas it is 24.51 tC per ha in the sampling sheet (i.e. cell I128 of tab “PlotCarbon_Tree_Shrub_Litter”). The DOE shall specify how it has verified: (1) the correctness of the raw data, including but not limited to records and cross-checking with other evidence; and (2) correctness of the calculation.
3: The allometric equations for biomass estimation described/applied in this monitoring period is not consistent with previous monitoring period. For example, tree biomass = CF/1000*EXP[ln(a)+b*ln(D)] in this monitoring period (e.g. cell E2 of tab “Standard Values” and N4 of tab “Tree Biomass” of the ER sheet), while tree biomass = CF/1000 * [EXPln(a) + b*ln(D)] in the previous monitoring period (e.g. cell E4 of tab “Standard values” of the ER sheet). The DOE is requested to verify the correctness.
4: Biomass estimation is not determined as per the pre-defined allometric equations. For example, two types of equation (DBH equation and DCH equation in row 10-17 of tab “Standard Values”) are defined to estimate tree biomass in conditions of the DBH and DCH of a tree, DBH equation shall be applied when DBH is more than 10 cm or DCH is more than 12mm otherwise DCH equation shall be applied; however some tree (e.g. Polygon ID n050560063, cell H10 and I10 of tab “Tree Biomass”) has a DBH of less than 10cm and a DCH marked as “Colet”, DBH equation is applied instead of DCH equation. The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has verified the correctness of the biomass estimation for each specie (including tree, shrub and litter) and clarify the meaning of the terminology “Colet”.
1: The biomass estimation method/equations applied in this monitoring period (e.g. Allometric equations in page 35 of the monitoring report) is different from the PDD and was neither validated at the time of project registration. In addition, it is noted that the equations and parameters applied in this monitoring period are not fully consistent with those applied in the previous monitoring period (e.g. DBH-based equation of specie Salix Alba was not applied in the previous monitoring period, and carbon fraction of biomass for tree and roots applied in this monitoring period is 0.50 whereas carbon fraction of biomass for roots applied in previous monitoring period was 0.48). The DOE did not provide its validation opinion on the biomass estimation method/equations/parameters. Therefore, the DOE is requested to specify how it has validated the biomass estimation method/equations/parameters applied for each specie. Please refer to A/R Methodological Tool “Demonstrating appropriateness of allometric equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities” Version 01.0.0 and A/R Methodological Tool “Demonstrating appropriateness of volume equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities” Version 01.0.1.
2: The biomass values reported in the ER sheet and the sampling sheet (i.e. Estimation of uncertainty) are not consistent. For example, the tree biomass (including both above-ground and below-ground) of strata 15 reported in the ER sheet (i.e. cell C20 and D20 of tab “Actual Net GHG ERs_2002-2016”) is 25.06 tC per ha whereas it is 24.51 tC per ha in the sampling sheet (i.e. cell I128 of tab “PlotCarbon_Tree_Shrub_Litter”). The DOE shall specify how it has verified: (1) the correctness of the raw data, including but not limited to records and cross-checking with other evidence; and (2) correctness of the calculation.
3: The allometric equations for biomass estimation described/applied in this monitoring period is not consistent with previous monitoring period. For example, tree biomass = CF/1000*EXP[ln(a)+b*ln(D)] in this monitoring period (e.g. cell E2 of tab “Standard Values” and N4 of tab “Tree Biomass” of the ER sheet), while tree biomass = CF/1000 * [EXPln(a) + b*ln(D)] in the previous monitoring period (e.g. cell E4 of tab “Standard values” of the ER sheet). The DOE is requested to verify the correctness.
4: Biomass estimation is not determined as per the pre-defined allometric equations. For example, two types of equation (DBH equation and DCH equation in row 10-17 of tab “Standard Values”) are defined to estimate tree biomass in conditions of the DBH and DCH of a tree, DBH equation shall be applied when DBH is more than 10 cm or DCH is more than 12mm otherwise DCH equation shall be applied; however some tree (e.g. Polygon ID n050560063, cell H10 and I10 of tab “Tree Biomass”) has a DBH of less than 10cm and a DCH marked as “Colet”, DBH equation is applied instead of DCH equation. The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has verified the correctness of the biomass estimation for each specie (including tree, shrub and litter) and clarify the meaning of the terminology “Colet”.
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