Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The validation opinion does not contain a confirmation whether the temporary deviation from the registered monitoring plan or applied methodology does not require prior approval of the Board and the provisions of Appendix 1 of PS apply to those deviations (VVS v2, para 252)
Issue: The F-CDM_PRC sections A &E and the project view page indicate request for temporary deviations and permanent changes to the PDD however the revised PDD and Validation opinion (table 2-2 and section 6) only contain the permanent changes to PDD. The PP/DOE are requested to clearly identify the T-DEV and provide an assessment opinion.

2: Scope: The validation opinion does not contain information on how the DOE validated that the changes from the registered monitoring plan are in accordance to para 4 and 5 of the Appendix 1 of Project Standard which do not require prior approval of the Board (VVS v2, para 248,262)
Issue: Based on the revised PDD, section B.7.3, some monitoring activities from the revised monitoring plan were excluded (e.g. Hourly and Daily Monitoring Record, Routine Reminders for site Technicians, Site audits, Permit to Work Scheme, Service Sheets, Calibration of Measurement Equipment, etc) and some monitoring activities have been modified(Data collection procedures, Calibration Actions, etc). DOE shall provide an assessment of these corrections/changes done on the monitoring plan.

3: Scope: The revised PDD does not contain a summary of impacts of the proposed or actual changes to the registered CDM project activity regarding: a) the applicability and application of the applied methodology under the project activity has been registered; b)compliance of the monitoring plan with the applied methodology; c) the level of accuracy and completeness in the monitoring of the project activity; d) the additionality of the project activity; e) the scale of the project activity (PS v1, para 219)
Issue: Appendix 6 of the revised PDD only contains information about the revised monitoring plan approved on 12 October 2009, however, the changes submitted during this sixth request for issuance were not documented (e.g. changes to the Project design, Monitoring plan section B.7.3, etc). DOE/PP shall provide a revised PDD with the summary of the impacts of the proposed or actual changes to the registered CDM project activity.