Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The monitoring report does not contain a description of the equipment used to monitor each parameter including details on accuracy class and calibration information (frequency, dates of calibration and validity) as specified by the monitoring methodology and the monitoring plan. (PS v1, para 192 (b))
Issue:The monitoring report does not provide information on dates of calibration of electricity meters and the validity of calibrations covering the entire monitoring period from 18/11/2010 to 31/08/2012.

2: Scope: The spreadsheet does not contain all parameters required to be monitored and/or reported at the intervals required by the monitoring plan and the applied methodology?
Issue:In accordance with the applied methodology ACM0002 version 07 (page 16) and the monitoring plan contained in the registered PDD (page 29), EGy (Quantity of net electricity generated by the Minor Hydroelectric Power Plant of Amaime) will be hourly measured and monthly recorded. However, the spreadsheet (2600_Emission Reductions Amaime 1st verification (26Nov12).xlsx) does not report EGy in monthly basis intervals as required by the monitoring plan and the applied methodology. The spreadsheet has provided only year wise electricity generation data.

3: Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan and does not provide an statement on how the DOE verified the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports (VVS v2, para 236, 284 (e)).
Issue:The table 5 (Parameters Verification) contained in the verification report (page 18) includes parameters monitored and describes how the DOE verified the information flow for these parameter. However, this table does not include one parameter (Annual electricity generated by each plant (j, k, m) of the National Interconnected System of Colombia) which is listed in the registered monitoring plan (page 30) and the monitoring report (page 10).

4: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
Issue:According to Table 6 contained in the verification report (page 31), the calibration certificate for the main measurement equipment (serial no 53032528) and back up measurement equipment (serial no. 53032529) were issued on 07/05/2009. Considering the calibration frequency of 2 years for measurement equipment as indicated in the monitoring report (page 10) and verification report (31), the validity of calibration certificate dated 07/05/2009 expired on 06/05/2011; however the measurement equipment were used for the period from 18/11/2010 to 01/02/2012 which means there was a calibration delay for the period 07/05/2011 to 01/02/2012. Hence, the DOE is requested to clarify how it has determined that the calibration validity of certificate issued on 07/05/2009 for main and back up measurement equipment cover entire period from 18/11/2010 to 01/02/2012.Also if there was a delayed calibration for the period in question, the DOE is requested to report on a conservative approach adopted in the calculation of emission reductions as required by para 238-240 of VVS version 05.0.