15:53 12 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan (VVM v.1.2 para 206)
Issue: The Verification Report page 111-180 has provided detail verification of the monitored parameter for project emissions and leakage. However, parameters BCy (Blended cement produced at project site and sold to domestic market) and EFgrid,BSL have not been verified by the DOE. For parameter FFi,y (Fossil fuel of type i consumed for clinker production in year y), the DOE has not provided information with regard to the measurement of the diesel consumption.
2: Scope: The verification report does not determine if the assumptions used in emission calculations have been justified and/or emission factors, default values and other reference values have been correctly applied. (VVM v.1.2 para 208 (d) & (e))
Issue: The DOE is requested to further justify how the application of the baseline benchmark for each plant (73.8% for New Wadi, 72.0% for Tikaria, 72.7% for Chanda, and 72.0% for Kymore) is appropriate given that it is not clear if each has been determined in accordance with the applied methodology ACM0005 v2.
3: Scope: The verification report does not contain information on all CARs, CLs and FARs and/or provide an assessment and close out of any CARs, CLs or FARs issued. (VVM v.1.2 para 192, 194)
Issue: The CL C1 (Verification Report page 26) was closed as for the delayed calibration period (see point 3.17 below), correction factor of (1-3%) has been applied in accordance with . However, the spreadsheets show that the correction applied is (1-3%/100) instead of (1-3%).
4: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment of the compliance with EB 52 Annex 60 'Guidelines for assessing compliance with the calibration frequency requirements' for the calibration delay. (VVM v.1.2 para 184 (a) (ii) & EB 52 Annex 60)
Issue: The DOE has not addressed the delayed calibration for the following meters that appear in the Annexure I of the Monitoring Report. For example, Chanda Cement Plant (page 50): (1) meter 261WF03. The second calibration was valid until 12/09/2004, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 14/09/2004. The fourth calibration valid until 03/03/2005, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 05/03/2005; (2) meter 262WF03. The first calibration was valid until 19/06/2004, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 21/06/2004. The fourth calibration valid until 12/03/2005, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 17/03/2005.
The similar can be found for: (1) Chanda Cement Plant (page 51), meters 351WF01, 361WF01; (2) New Wadi Cement Plant (page 53-55), meters 541WF03, 541WF05, 541WF01 (please note that there may be typos in the monitoring report in the date of validity), 541WF06; (3) Tikaria Cement Plant (page 55-56), all meters; (4) Chanda Cement Plant (page 57), all meters; (5) New Wadi Cement Plant (page 60), CPP coal belt conveyor; (6) Tikaria Cement Plant (page 60). CPP coal belt weigher.
1: Scope: The verification report does not list each parameter required by the monitoring plan (VVM v.1.2 para 206)
Issue: The Verification Report page 111-180 has provided detail verification of the monitored parameter for project emissions and leakage. However, parameters BCy (Blended cement produced at project site and sold to domestic market) and EFgrid,BSL have not been verified by the DOE. For parameter FFi,y (Fossil fuel of type i consumed for clinker production in year y), the DOE has not provided information with regard to the measurement of the diesel consumption.
2: Scope: The verification report does not determine if the assumptions used in emission calculations have been justified and/or emission factors, default values and other reference values have been correctly applied. (VVM v.1.2 para 208 (d) & (e))
Issue: The DOE is requested to further justify how the application of the baseline benchmark for each plant (73.8% for New Wadi, 72.0% for Tikaria, 72.7% for Chanda, and 72.0% for Kymore) is appropriate given that it is not clear if each has been determined in accordance with the applied methodology ACM0005 v2.
3: Scope: The verification report does not contain information on all CARs, CLs and FARs and/or provide an assessment and close out of any CARs, CLs or FARs issued. (VVM v.1.2 para 192, 194)
Issue: The CL C1 (Verification Report page 26) was closed as for the delayed calibration period (see point 3.17 below), correction factor of (1-3%) has been applied in accordance with . However, the spreadsheets show that the correction applied is (1-3%/100) instead of (1-3%).
4: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment of the compliance with EB 52 Annex 60 'Guidelines for assessing compliance with the calibration frequency requirements' for the calibration delay. (VVM v.1.2 para 184 (a) (ii) & EB 52 Annex 60)
Issue: The DOE has not addressed the delayed calibration for the following meters that appear in the Annexure I of the Monitoring Report. For example, Chanda Cement Plant (page 50): (1) meter 261WF03. The second calibration was valid until 12/09/2004, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 14/09/2004. The fourth calibration valid until 03/03/2005, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 05/03/2005; (2) meter 262WF03. The first calibration was valid until 19/06/2004, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 21/06/2004. The fourth calibration valid until 12/03/2005, yet the subsequent calibration was only valid from 17/03/2005.
The similar can be found for: (1) Chanda Cement Plant (page 51), meters 351WF01, 361WF01; (2) New Wadi Cement Plant (page 53-55), meters 541WF03, 541WF05, 541WF01 (please note that there may be typos in the monitoring report in the date of validity), 541WF06; (3) Tikaria Cement Plant (page 55-56), all meters; (4) Chanda Cement Plant (page 57), all meters; (5) New Wadi Cement Plant (page 60), CPP coal belt conveyor; (6) Tikaria Cement Plant (page 60). CPP coal belt weigher.
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