Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification report does not describe the implementation status of the project. (For project activities that consist of more than one site, the report shall clearly describe the status of implementation and starting date of operation for each site. For CDM project activities with phased implementation, the report shall state the progress of the proposed CDM project activity achieved in each phase under verification). (VVS v2, para 228 (a))
Scope: The verification report does not describe the reasons for the phased-implementation delay and/or does not present the expected implementation dates. (VVS v2, para 228 (a))
Issue: The DOE is requested to further explain how it confirms that the implementation of the Project is consistent with the registered PDD, considering as per the monitoring report, the electricity generation is supplied through a 21.5km long transmission line of 230kV, whereas as per the registered PDD it s supplied through a 21 km long transmission line of 220 kV.

2: Scope: The verification report does not provide an assessment on whether the calibration of measuring equipments was conducted at a frequency specified in applied monitoring methodology or EB guidance if applicable, and/or the monitoring plan (VVS v2, para 243)
Issue: The DOE is requested to further explain how the application of paragraph 238 of the VVS version 3 regarding the delayed calibration has been complied with, as the adjustment is made to the NET exported electricity instead of Exported Electricity to the grid and Imported Electricity from the grid separately. Please refer to the Appendix 1 of the VVS version 3. Furthermore, the DOE is requested to explain why it did not raise a FAR to correct the frequency of calibration to be in line with the actual practice.