22:15 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE is required to further validate the reasons for the changes taking place, including, whether the changes would have been known prior to the registration of the CDM project activity per para 309(b) of VVS for PA version 03.0 since the validation report did not provide the contradicting information as shown below:
i) the validation report of the post registration changes (p 7) states that “the power produced will be used actively at the sponge iron plant of KSPCL. The registered PDD has not stated that power from the project activity would be used for running the PP’s adjoining steel plant also”;
ii) the validation report (p 17) states that the DOE has confirmed that project activity had been exporting power to the grid form its date of commissioning in 2008 till 2010 while the registered PDD (p2) states that “The power produced will be used actively at sponge iron plant of KSPCL”;
iii) the validation report (p 10) states that the change in project design occurred after commissioning of the project activity in 2007 and that the reason for the change is due to the fact that while the project activity had already started generating power, the adjoining steel plant of the PDD had not been ready till 2010.
However, the DOE did not provide how the project activity could supply the electricity generated to the adjoining steel plant while it stated that “the power produced will be used actively at the sponge iron plant of KSPC.”
The DOE is required to further validate the reasons for the changes taking place, including, whether the changes would have been known prior to the registration of the CDM project activity per para 309(b) of VVS for PA version 03.0 since the validation report did not provide the contradicting information as shown below:
i) the validation report of the post registration changes (p 7) states that “the power produced will be used actively at the sponge iron plant of KSPCL. The registered PDD has not stated that power from the project activity would be used for running the PP’s adjoining steel plant also”;
ii) the validation report (p 17) states that the DOE has confirmed that project activity had been exporting power to the grid form its date of commissioning in 2008 till 2010 while the registered PDD (p2) states that “The power produced will be used actively at sponge iron plant of KSPCL”;
iii) the validation report (p 10) states that the change in project design occurred after commissioning of the project activity in 2007 and that the reason for the change is due to the fact that while the project activity had already started generating power, the adjoining steel plant of the PDD had not been ready till 2010.
However, the DOE did not provide how the project activity could supply the electricity generated to the adjoining steel plant while it stated that “the power produced will be used actively at the sponge iron plant of KSPC.”
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