Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: VVS-PA Para 281 and Para 354(b):
Page 13 of the verification report states: “the electricity generated from Project and other projects was connected to the 110kV Substation via the Dalongkou II transmission line which is not in line with the monitoring plan in the PDD but in line with the deviation approved prior to this verification”. However, it is to be noted that the temporary deviation approved during the last monitoring period was only valid from 01/10/2012 – 28/02/2014. The DOE is therefore requested to explain how it has verified that the project complies with requirements of Para 281 and Para 354(b) of VVS-PA, version 2.0.
Furthermore, the DOE is also requested to provide information on: (i) the name of the sub-station to which the project activity is connected; (ii) the name of the transmission line as per the monitoring plan.

2: VVS-PA Para 354(b):
In section E.4.5 of the verification report, it is mentioned that " There is permanent change from registered monitoring plan observed prior to or during this monitoring period". And in section E.4.6. "There is change to the project design observed prior to or during this monitoring period". The DOE is requested to provide clarification on the permanent change and change to the project design as no information is included in the Monitoring Report about these changes.